Sunday, April 3, 2016

Katie Demetriades Assignment 23: The Perfect Playlist

The Perfect Playlist for Going Through an Unwanted Change
I'm sure you all have seen from my previous blogs that I am not a fan of change. But right now, I'm experiencing unwanted change from all sides. It's very overwhelming, so I have to use music as an outlet for all my pent up stress. The songs I have chosen for this playlist are not the happiest of songs. They serve as a reminder that I'm not the only one going through something. I like it when I can relate to a song and attach myself to its meaning. So here's the perfect playlist for living my life aka going through unwanted change.

1. "Lost" by Katy Perry
Of course KP has to be on any of my playlists. Although she's known for her much more upbeat songs, this somewhat sad one comes from her first popular album called One of the Boys. It tells the story (through amazing and sometimes raw vocals) of someone who appears to have it all together, but really is hurting as they find themselves in their new environment. They just want to go home and go back to how things were before, as she sings "Another night waiting for someone to take me home." It's a song that perfectly describes how I feel when I go through change, making it the first song on the playlist.

2. "Cave In" by Owl City
I discovered this next song when I was in 8th grade and I went through a bit of an emo phase, when I thought I had soooo many issues when in reality nothing was going on. Owl City, who is well known in the electronic music world, tells the story of running away in this song. Running away from one's issues and escaping into a world of pure beauty. Like me, they lack a strong backbone and they find security in just escaping. And that's exactly what I want to do when I'm going through change. I want to hideaway in a different world. So this song describes how to cope with the change.

3. "Million Years Ago" by Adele
Adele's absolute perfection in this song also describes a way to cope with change, which is reminiscing on the past. The song reminisces on how one's life started, but also brings awareness to the changes that have occurred. And happiness was only found "a million years ago." Sometimes change is so brutal for me that I feel all my happiness is forever trapped in the past, which makes reminiscing a hard thing to do. But for the most part, reminiscing serves as a healing mechanism for bad change. Thinking of better times tends to make you feel better.

4. "Me, Myself, and I" by G-Eazy
I heard this song on the radio coming home from school one day and I instantly fell in love with it. Even though I couldn't relate to it at the time, I can't think of any other song I relate to more now. This song serves to help you pick up the pieces after bad change. As the lyrics say, you "don't need anything to get [you] through the night, except the beat that's in [your] heart, that it's keeping [you] alive." No matter how bad the change is, it's not the end of the world. The Earth will keep on spinning. And if the Earth is still spinning, your world can exist. So if your world is destroyed by this change, you can rebuild.

5. "Wide Awake" by Katy Perry
If I start with KP, I have to end with KP. For Katy personally, the song centers around her divorce (an unwanted change), which devastated her. But the song tells what happened after the change. Although it was devastating, she lets her audience know that life must go on for the better. As she sings, we'll all reach a point where were "not losing any sleep, [we've] picked up every piece, [and we] need nothing to complete [ourselves]." If you give it time, it's bound to get better. And for this playlist, this song serves to help you realize that life gets better after unwanted change. It just needs time.

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