Sunday, January 24, 2016

Buckets and Buckets --Lucy Whitman Sandmeyer

High School
·      Learn another language
·      Get into college
·      Accept the college I get into and GET PUMPED
·      Get a beanie
·      Go to a legit high school party (I don’t really know if I want to do this or just be in the position to observe as an outsider. It’s probably the later.)
·      Do a full Hobbit and LOTR marathon
·      Go rock climbing in the Gorge
·      Grow out of my angsty teenage phase where a resent the system and society and everything it entails.
·      Take that last goal seriously


·      Become a legal adult (that’s a pretty sure thing but I still think it deserves being on this list)
·      Do a study abroad some place unexpected
·      Find out if I really like to science
·      Take a humanities class that changes my perspective on the world as much as science does
·      Find one of those sketch bars where they let underage people drink to feel legit
·      Climb (part of) a mountain


·      Read!!!!!!!!
·      Also, read
·      Go to space (I’m banking on tourist trips to space being a thing by the time I die, kind of like climbing Mt. Everest)
·      Smash the patriarchy
·      Find the climate I like and live there
·      Live in the city and on a farm
·      Go to every continent except Antarctica
·      Write something even if I hide it forever
·      Become a spy in some form or fashion

·      Hydrate

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