Monday, January 4, 2016

Star Wars Rotten Tomatoes Review - Harrison Broyles

Star Wars has always been a huge favorite for me- I loved the characters, concepts, and development. However, I don't believe this movie has entirely done the Saga justice- characters and plots seem underdeveloped and too fast paced. While I'm a big fan of action, there was just too much action too quickly for a true story to be unveiled, and because of this, much of the movie felt as if it skipped from one scene to the next. The action was marvelous, but it shouldn't be used at the expense of the plot.

However, I am inclined to give this an average rating overall because it is a Star Wars movie- the movie is an overdue continuation of the noteworthy saga, and fits into its place as a transition accordingly. I am hoping that we gain more insights into the characters and events as the next movie rolls into theaters.

I couldn't figure out how to share the link from Rotten Tomatoes, but I promise it's posted.

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