Sunday, January 31, 2016

buckets and buckets -catherine van tatenhove

I have never sat down and intently thought about a bucket list much less actually generated one, however on almost a daily basis I think about what I want to be doing and how I need to accomplish it. Bucket lists are usually a stressful concept for me because I never want to feel like it is too late for me to do something after I have "kicked the bucket." It's also difficult for me because I have abstract goals, being successful, finding my passion, and having a family ect, but specific ones get clouded and uncertain. But, with all that said I sat down and made a, only slightly stress inducing, list and here it is.
Before High School- Before high school winds down I want to travel to Thailand. Thailand has always been a destination that has interested me, and it has almost become a goal of mine to find the right time and program to travel with to have the best experience. I have appreciated growing up in Lexington and the childhood I have had here, but I know this isn't where I'll be for the rest of my life and Thailand seems like a good place to step out of my comfort zone. 

Before College- Before college ends I want to be fluent in French and Spanish. I am traveling to Costa Rica for the second time and France for the first time this spring and summer. I am in AP french now, and hope to improve upon my basis of the language with my three weeks in a foreign exchange program this summer, however I don't take Spanish. But, I have been leaning as much as I can in preparation for Costa Rica hoping one day both languages will come with ease. 

Before life- Before my life ends I hope to have written a book. I don't know what it is going to be about or if it will even be published, or if books will even be a thing when I am 90. But, I am going to accomplish that in one way or another because I love to read and will have hopefully read hundreds by the end of my life. So, being on the other side of the experience has now become an admittedly lofty but important goal.  

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