Sunday, January 10, 2016

Hooray for Hollywood- Lauren Spivey

   Ah Tim Burton, a great director who has an interesting sense of talent. He finds a way to use part of your imagination most people wouldn't dare even think about let alone put into a movie. He's created some of my favorite movies including Alice in Wonderland and also The Nightmare Before Christmas. 
   I grew up reading the Alice in Wonderland book so when I found that they were making a realistic movie I was ecstatic. The fact is that once I saw the movie I was a little confused. The book is more of a kid friendly entertainment while when I saw the movie it seemed a bit extreme for kids, very cruel. Tim Burton has an eye for creative expansion of certain ideas. Honestly sometimes his imagination can get the best of him and I feel like in this movie he strayed too far from the original plot line. It's still one of my favorite movies though and it's very interesting due to Burtons eye for style and use of vibrant colors in your imagination. 
   The Nightmare Before Christmas is fantastic. You can watch it at Christmas time but also, if you want, you can watch it at Halloween. I watch it every year and think about how good of an idea and how strong of an imagination the creator must have. This movie compared to Alice in Wonderland is very different. Alice in Wonderland used actors and real life camera videos but in the Nightmare Before Christmas everything was done using stop motion which if you've seen the episode of iCarly where Spencer tries to make a stop motion film, it's very very time consuming. It took him multiple days and 3,000+ pictures to make a 10 second film. So that just makes this movie that much more impressive. It contains that weird mind of imagination that Alice in Wonderland has with an extra bit of horror in it and I think that was the appeal because people don't normally think Christmas is the time for scary ghosts and skeletons but Burton overcame that and combined Halloween and Christmas and made a classic. 

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