Sunday, January 24, 2016

Katie Demetriades Assignment 18: Buckets and Buckets

1. I know for this one a lot of people are going to say, "I want to get accepted into college." But I feel like for all of us, that's inevitable. We're all incredibly smart, and some college somewhere in the world is going to want us to come to their school. To me, it's a wasted bucket wish. So I decided before I finish high school, I want to learn how to accept myself, the environment I live in, and the people I have chosen to surround myself with. Now I know that sounds beyond ridiculous to accomplish in a year and a half, but I've been working on it for a little bit now. For those of you that don't know me, my happiness comes from things being a certain way. You could call it bratty, you could call it selfish, you could call it being a control freak. No matter what you think, that's how I've always been. It may stem from the easy childhood I had where everything went my way. Now that I somewhat live in the real world, I've realized not everything goes your way. And it's the situations I can't control that make me so anxious and paranoid. I have never been one to "go with the flow." The natural occurrences of life that aren't always planned make me so upset. But soon, we will all be adults, fully living in the real world. And it's time I grew up a bit.

2. Before I finish college, I want to have a career. I don't want to graduate and say, "What do I do now?" Before that diploma reaches my hands, I want to say, "Hi, I'm Katie Demetriades. I have a job as a _____ at ________ which is in ________, __." From relatives, I know that some people once they graduate, they want to take the summer off and lounge around for a little bit. To that I ask, what was the point of spending thousands of dollars and sucking up 4+ years of your life? You worked SO hard to get that diploma. It's time to show it off to the world. I get this inspiration from my mother, who graduated on a Friday, and started working the next Monday. It's people like my mom, who have an amazing work ethic, that I feel deserve the utmost respect.

3. Before I die, I want to have my permanent number one. Okay, let me explain. I feel like everyone deserves to have one person in their life who sticks by them and is always there to offer love and encouragement. So throughout several periods of my life, I have had one creature (I can't say person because it was a dog at one point) that I could say was my number one. Someone who loves me as much as I love them. Someone who would do anything for me. Someone who is always there to brighten up my day. Someone who sees me as their number one. I've had a couple of these in my life, but I've realized sometimes your number ones will come and go. But whether it be in the form of a friend, of a spouse, of just a boyfriend, of a child, or of a pet, I want that person in my life forever. I may already know them, or they may be many years away. As long as I have one, I know I'll live a nice life.

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