Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Buckets & Buckets: Jordan Strange

Bucket lists are stressful. Because with the things we want to check off often come with the little details about how and when those things will be completed. But they're also fun. Because who doesn't love to dream? And who doesn't love making those dreams come true?

Before I finish high school, I want to travel to Australia & South America. That pretty much completes all the continents. Except Antarctica. But that's not even like a continent so we'll save that one for after high school is complete. I love traveling. Hopefully the future is full of it. 

Before I finish college, I want to have lived somewhere abroad for more than half a year. Because how incredible would that be? I don't want to spend my college career doing ordinary things. OR also how cool would it be to hike the Appalachian Trail. 2200 miles of pure excitement and solitude. What a good life. 

Before I die, I want to start an organization. One that is focused on helping kids somewhere. And sharing the Gospel to people. I don't really know where yet. Maybe Africa. Maybe Europe. Or maybe somewhere in South or Central America? Who knows. Ideally, it would be a children's home, and there would be a doctor, a school, and a church. I want to bring in lots of children and give them a home. A home where they're loved unconditionally. That's really a life goal of mine. And I'd love to adopt before I die. Because I love kids SO much. And I also hate to see hurting people in hurting places with no hope. So to make a change in a community is a huge goal of mine, even if that community happens to be in America.:) 

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