Sunday, February 21, 2016

Buckets and Buckets - Rachel Bragg

Bucket List for High School:
- Get enough scholarships to have my undergrad completely paid for. This could be a lot to ask, but I just don't want my parents to have to pay for my education, because it is outrageously overpriced.
- Enjoy my senior year. That is not very specific, but I don't want the stress of college decisions ruin it for me.
- Drive myself places. I should already be able to do this, but sadly I have not practiced enough to take my test yet, which is mostly my fault.

Bucket List for College:
- Enjoy learning. I want to look forward to school, and to actually be excited to learn things I will use in whatever profession I end up in.
- Make some friends. I want to have a solid group of friends that can hold me accountable and keep me focused in college while still doing dumb shit with me sometimes.
- Figure out what I want to do with my life. I think I've decide to do something in the health industry, maybe a PA, but maybe not. I just want to figure that out sooner rather than later.
- Get into a good graduate school. No matter what I end up doing, I'm pretty sure I'll go to grad school.

Bucket List for Life:
- Find meeeeeeee somebody to loveeeeee. Actually started singing that song when I thought of this one. But seriously, I want to find someone that brings me joy, not just happiness. Yes, there is a difference.
- Get a dog. I kinda want a French bulldog, or any small dog, maybe even a big dog. Who knows, just a dog.
- Hopefully stay friends with my best friend, because I want to have that sort of movie friendship where you are literally friends forever. That was cheesy I'm sorry, but still true.

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