Sunday, February 7, 2016

Alexis Kirkland: Plastics

I've heard many pieces of advice. Most of them are from One Direction, like "Work hard, play hard, be nice," and "Do whatever makes you happiest in the world," and "Nobody's feelings are more important than your own, so take time to love yourself." But the best piece of advice I've ever gotten was not from Harry Styles, but from my mother. Shocker, right? It's something her mother used to tell her when she and her siblings were younger. "It'll be alright in the morning."

Think about it. Anything that happens in a day is usually simmered down after a good night's rest. Bad day? It'll be alright in the morning. Sore from yesterday's workout? It'll be alright in the morning. Did you receive shocking news? It'll be alright in the morning.

This doesn't apply to everything literally. The "morning" doesn't always mean when your alarm goes off the next day. It's a way of saying "give it time." Some things can only be given time to heal. It can be hard to grasp that, when you want results now and you want change now and you want things to be better NOW. But you have to wait sometimes, and there will come a morning where everything is alright again.

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