Monday, February 22, 2016

19: Plastics Maggie Arvin

A piece of advice that seemed to stick with me is: Don't judge a book by its cover.

Now, when you hear this you're thinking about how cheesy this must be. In all actuality its something everyone should carry around with them even if it may seem... difficult. When you meet someone that has a mean expression, covered in tattoos, and is smoking outside his workplace you probably do not think the highest of him. For all you know, he could be a doctor that happened to step out for his break, or maybe a popular hairstylist that is taking his break between guests. Judging someone on how they choose to present themselves is not something that should be part of the "norm". We grow up in a society that is is cool to make fun of others and make snooty comments. People even force themselves to believe "its only human" to do so. Try to go out of your way to talk to someone you wouldn't originally talk to. Possibly because you're intimidated by them, being in a different social status, different race, different sexuality. You may find yourself making a friend that you may not have found by avoiding them. Or, you know there is always the possibility that you make a huge embarrassment of yourself... but at least you put yourself out there.

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