Thursday, February 18, 2016

How to... Elana Ehl

How to read a book in one day

**If you're being forced to read a boring book for school: first of all I'm so sorry, reading should be for enjoyment not punishment, second just skip straight to step 4.**

1) Go to the bookstore and browse the shelves for a book.

2) Take your time to choose a book you would sincerely like.
       a) if you don't know what you'd like ask a friend who likes reading what they would recommend.
       b) if you still don't know buy multiple books incase you can't get into one.

3) Buy the book.

4) Go to the store and buy snacks to sustain you while you read but won't make a mess.

5) Also get something(s) to drink while you read.
     * this is important because if you're forced to get up while reading because you are hungry you have the potential to get incredibly distracted with anything and everything that is going on that is not the book.

6) Go to a peaceful place you will be undisturbed. (I personally like the beach but seeing as we live in a land locked state I usually have to settle for next to a pool) Make sure that you will be comfortable in that place for a decently long time.

7) Put your phone in a place where you won't be tempted to get on it.
       a) if you want to listen to music put your phone on do not disturb.

8) Put your food and drink in an easily accessible place near where you plan to read. This is important so you don't have to leave to get the food (what we are trying to avoid by getting easy sucks in the first place).

9) Sit down, lay down, or get into what ever position is most comfortable to not move from.

10) Open the book to the last page and read ONLY THE VERY LAST SENTENCE. This will help keep you asking questions about how the book ends with that and, therefore, you will remain more engaged.

11) Flip to the first page and start the book.
   *A good tip is that if you are not engaged in the story within the first 50-75 pages put it down, there is no shame on not liking a book enough to finish it, and pick up a different one. If you don't have another book go back to step one and make sure to read step 2 sub-point b.
    **If you are reading for school and completely bored PUSH THROUGH THE PAIN it will end eventually.

12) Periodically munch on snacks and take sips of your drink until book is finished or you're out of food and drink.

13) Finish the book.

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