Thursday, February 18, 2016

Assignment 21- Right Now- Lauren Spivey

   At this very moment someone is getting married, having a baby, adopting a pet, buying a car,getting  a divorce, losing a loved one, getting in a car crash. Everyones life is different, you can't know what to expect. If you think about things out of this world, who knows, all of these things could be happening on a different planet. You're favorite celebrity could be eating a pizza right now.
  I think all the different possibilities that someone could be doing are fascinating. It's hard to fathom that while it may be 9 o'clock here, someone else is waking up for work and just starting their day. (It's 5 o'clock somewhere") Sometimes when I'm out in public I think about all the different possibilities of situations that people are in. Sometimes i like to make a game out of it by guessing things about people just by looking at them. I might see a man eating alone at a restaurant, there are numerous things that can go through your head when you think about his situation. He might be single enjoying a calm night out, he might have gotten stood up by his date, he could have been meeting with his mom and she's just late. He could work at a fast food restaurant, he might be a successful businessman, he might own his own company. He could have a cat named Garfield, or a fish named Nemo. The possibilities are endless and its mind-blowing to even sit and think about it because there are 7 billion people in this world and every one of them had a different day than the other person. Now everyones day might not have been as exciting as others but each situation shaped someones life one way or another.
  I know that my day was not the same as Kim Kardashian (thank god) and thats true for everyone. Celebrities are just people and have day to day lives, some considered abnormal and some not.

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