Sunday, February 7, 2016

Plastics -Hope Reed

Most advice we get we forget about a week after we receive it. The advice that truly sticks with us can be life changing. My cousin gave me advice one time that opened my eyes a lot. In middle school and the beginning of high school was going through a lot of rough patches in life, but I acted fake happy on the outside so that nobody would think that anything was wrong. A few years later my cousin told me something along the lines of, "Don't compare your life to other people's lives, and don't judge people because you don't know what their journey is like." This statement is so true for everyone. Many people compare themselves to other people on social media, and they think, "wow she has such a great life, and my life is nothing compared to them." But in reality, most social media users post the best parts of life on Instagram and Twitter. So we can't compare ourselves or look down on our own life because of them. And as for the second part, we can't judge people based on their outside looks or actions. The guy who bullies you at school may be abused at home. The girl who's always smiling could be faking it completely and is actually broken on the inside. This advice inspired me to be nice and welcoming to every single soul I meet because lots of people are just waiting for someone to say hi to them and welcome them without judging them, they may be waiting for just one person to do that, so do not judge anyone. Their journey is different than yours, but we shouldn't treat any journey differently than another.

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