Sunday, February 7, 2016

Assignment 18: Buckets and Buckets (Tyler Gorman)

High school:
  • First chair trumpet in wind ensemble
  • Straight A's at least one semester
  • Finish reading Dante's Inferno
  • Get a degree in music education
  • Student teach (preferably at Henry Clay)
  • Get married
  • Have kid(s)
  • Become a band director
  • Get better at playing trumpet
  • Get better at playing piano
  • Visit Europe
  • See Hamilton
So that's a rough version of my bucket list, generated mostly off the top of my head. It's quite generic but I suppose that just makes me a kind of generic person.
Getting first chair by the end of high school is a rather important goal for me because it will show how far I've come in terms of growth as a trumpet player, especially after the setback freshman year of getting braces.
A degree in music education is also quite important to me, as I've wanted for a while now to be a band director and to be able to teach the skills I've learned in my years in band to others.

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