Saturday, February 6, 2016

Katie Demetriades Assignment 19: Plastics

I cannot tell you the countless numbers of times in my life that I have asked someone for advice. Sometimes it hasn't been the best, but for the most part, their intentions are genuine, so their advice is useful. Whether it's good or not, I'm always appreciative of anyone's help. But if I had to choose one person to go to for all my problems, I would definitely choose my mom. She's experienced, she's honest, and she's always there. She's my mom, why would she want to steer me down the wrong? I always know she has my best interests at heart. In my 16, almost 17, years of existence, I have asked her probably around a trillion questions. Of the trillion responses she's given me, one has stuck out, and has become my mantra. When I was younger, I went through a period where I spent too much time looking back on all my questionable decisions and worrying about the effects of those decisions. I told her about some of these instances, and she told me there was no point in living if you spend your life regretting every decision you make. If you can't go back and change it, what's the point in worrying about it? She recognizes that I'm fairly careful when it comes to making decisions, so my decisions are based on what I felt in that moment was right. Later down the road, things may be different, but I can't go back and change that one decision. It is what it is. You'll learn to live with the decisions you've made for yourself.

So I no longer dwell on the past. I no longer worry about the future (well sometimes I do okay I can't help it). I live in the present, where I belong. I still act carefully when I make decisions, and that's on my side. There's no point in me regretting parts of my life. So take it from me, focus on what's important now. Your past is in the past FOR A GOOD REASON. Leave it there, forget about it... That's all.

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