Sunday, February 7, 2016

Plastics - Grae Chambers

My mom gives the best advice in the world. You'd probably say I'm biased because she's you know, my mom, but this is the wisest woman on earth. In my 17 years I've had a lot of problems. Granted, many of these problems are small in the scope of the world, where people are dying every day, but in my teenage girl bubble, theses issues are paramount. The only one who can combat my teen angst is my mother. She gives me advice every single day of my life so it's hard for me to choose the one thats stuck with me the most, so I'm choosing the piece that most applies to my current situation. There is no way i'm going to go into detail about this with all of you, but I'll say I'm not the first girl to have this problem and I certainly won't be the last: a boy problem. My mom and I are opposites in the way we approach the unfamiliar. I over think things so much that I talk myself out of them. She never thinks. I wanted to imitate her in this manner, so I asked her how she does it.

" Take the leap. There will always be a net to catch you."

I think that my fatal flaw is my fear of failure. If I don't think something will work out, I won't even try. I've never taken a risk in my entire life. I know that there is no net and something could go wrong and it'll ruin my entire life but at the same time if I don't even try I could miss out on something great but the risk is just too big and no i can't do it!! I always look before I fall. But that hasn't gotten me anywhere. I'm still trying to take this advice while everything in my screams not to, but I know that I'll grow as a person if I make this one decision and only worry about what could go wrong when it does. This advice can apply to almost anything you do and I think its important for each and every one of us to take it. We all have things that are important to us, and most of us live inside our heads. I mean were academy kids, but there is such a thing as thinking too much. So next time, don't. Take the leap. You might regret it and you might not, who knows? But thats the fun in life.

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