Sunday, February 21, 2016

Bucket Lists of Brooks Spears

Bucket Lists

High School

Before I finish high school, I want to do things. I bet there are several items on my high school bucket list that I will never achieve or even attempt to achieve, but something which takes precedence over all of my other items is making some money, particularly for something I created, like my artwork.


Before I finish college, there are also things I want to do. I want to still be alive for one, but another thing thing I want to do is start a small business, making money on the side for something I can do in my free time.


Before I inevitably die, I want to continue living. I also want to see some crazy technological advances for the future. Right now it seems that there are still plenty of things we could improve upon. I want to see things we can hardly even fathom currently, things that will completely blow our minds.

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