Thursday, February 18, 2016

Assignment 18- Buckets and Buckets- Lauren Spivey

  I don't tend to think about bucket lists too often mainly because I'm not sure what i want to do before I die. There are tons of possibilities and i could say the generic things like sky diving or traveling the world but everyone says that.
  High School bucket list: If i could choose one thing to do before I leave high school it would be to go to an actual party. Now my reasoning is not what some people would think. I've been to a few parties but I want to go somewhere that makes me uncomfortable just so that I can learn how to deal with a bad situation if I need too. People probably think I'm crazy for this but honestly you have no idea what kinds of situations you could end up in throughout life and I want to be prepared for whatever happens.
  College Bucket List: I am planning to go into the Marketing field when I can be employed. The main priority on my college list is to have a job set up for me before I leave college. I want to make a name for myself and impress people. I want to be successful on my own, not because anyone else set something up for me. The ability to have a job set up for you means that you did something right, you planned ahead and people were impressed with all the hard work you did. I think it would be awesome to be able to say that I am the Marketing Manager for a huge corporation like P&G.
  Life Bucket List: This last one is kind of cheesy and generic. I want to find the love of my life. Everyone says that and I agree. It would be awesome to be able to share life with someone and go through all kinds of experiences. Now usually finding the love of your life means that you may have children. I honestly don't know if I want kids. I'll probably have a whole different mindset by the time I'm old enough to actually support a family but I think it would be awesome to be successful in yourself and not have to worry about supporting a family and just worrying about you and your loved one.

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