Saturday, March 19, 2016

fictional life -catherine van tatenhove

"Atticus had used every tool available to free men to save Tom Robinson, but in the secret courts of men's hearts Atticus had no case." 

To Kill a Mocking Bird is and always will be one of my favorite books. And yes, Atticus Finch is a dude, but the qualities he poses are qualities I want my children to observe and acquire from me one day. In a time where oppressing and even lynching African Americans was acceptable behavior Atticus set an example for Scout that was unprecedented for that time. He never discounted the hardships of any man without first knowing exactly who they were or what the had been through. He begs Scout to delete the adjectives, and find that what will be left are the facts. So, I guess I don't necessarily want to be Atticus Finch who did everything in his power to stand up for justice, but failed at the hands of racists as brought to light in the aforementioned quote. However, I do want to be like Atticus. Slow to judge and quick to take a position that isn't popular but is just. 

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