Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The Future - Harrison Broyles

Junior Year absolutely reeks. I'm procrastinating doing my APUSH unit assignment by finishing out blog posts and cleaning out my closet of things such as bank statements from 2012 and articles of clothing I don't remember buying, but they still have the tag on them. Failure? Still haven't learned how to stop procrastinating, but at least I've gotten more productive while doing it.

One thing I've definitely learned is to always sleep as much as possible. You need it or you're done when it comes to important stuff. I've worked school weeks this year approaching 40 hours- and both my grades and sleep have suffered because of it.

Next year work will be a bit more manageable. Of course I'm using ChickFilA for my senior mentoring project. I'll be there from 6-9 in the morning, removing the possibility of me working at night during the week due to child labor laws, a huge plus to maintain much needed sleep while keeping a decent paycheck (and free breakfast!).

I'm also looking forward to moving up the ladder to own one or five ChickFilAs very soon. I had an interview for a management position recently, and I'll be the second person under 18 to earn it if I get the position (the other was Weiran Liu, so any time I can be in the same category as her I feel phenomenal about myself). I'm hoping to do well enough next year and through college to be catapulted into ownership right out of the gates, however I realize the chances are slim of that happening.

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