Monday, March 21, 2016

Fictional Character, Fictional Life- Lauren Spivey

   If I could be any fictional character ever created, I would be Hermione Granger. She is full of wit and excellence. I have always struggled a bit with motivation and school work unlike Hermione. She was focused on her studies (besides the times she was helping Harry) and was a hard worker. I have trouble with procrastination so her drive to be perfect could be very very helpful in my life.
   Also, how cool would it be to be a wizard. She was born a muggle and then excelled into being a wizard unlike any other. Due to her book smarts and experience, she was a magic enthusiast. Like when Ron, Harry and her all got trapped in the Devil's Snare, Hermione was the one who knew that the trick to surviving it was to be still and the more you moved the quicker it tightened. She knew that due to studying and being the top in her class. It would feel amazing to be able to know things like that, that could save someones life.
   Hermione is brave. She faces her fears with the help of her trusty teammates Harry and Ron. There have been numerous times where she has saved their butts. I would love to be known as the girl who knows everything and can always help someone when they're in need.

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