Sunday, May 22, 2016

Assignemtn 25: Stress - Evan Hays

There are two dictionary definitions of the word "manage", the first is used to indicate command over something, as in the word "Manager" or to "manage" and organization. I think many people assume that is what we talk about when we mention stress management. To have control over your levels of stress, essentially to be able to wipe stress away or increase it to your benefit.

There is another definition which I believe describes the way stress is managed in a far less commanding, but I think liberating sense. "To survive or complete a task despite odds". To manage through severity, to complete something though the odds are desperate. That's how I see stress management. To manage stress is not to avoid stress, I keep my stress when it comes, even hold it closely. It is fuel. When I am stressed I find fulfillment in eliminating the root of the stress. The stress is the fuel, and to cast it off or control it would be reduction of a resource you have. Stress comes as it should, and it's intensity is an indicator of a tasks real gravity. It shouldn't be destroyed, it should be used.

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