Sunday, May 22, 2016

help! i need somebodies help. - Kyle W

So Ive never really considered myself I great writer; mainly because I’m just not. If I have plenty of time and can go over and edit a paper again and again I might finally make a decent paper but in this class that really wasn’t an option and so I really liked the way that you slowly fade the editing phase out of our writing process and so by the end of the year I think I had gotten considerable better at creating a decent paper the first time around… most of the time at least. And I think these blog posts are a great idea. I don’t write all that great but these have been a really good way to help me improve on making thoughts into words. One thing I didn’t like on the other had was the fact that speaking was absolutely required during the Socratic seminars. It might just be me but during those I sat there and was listening to the conversation going on around me but had lots of trouble figuring out what to say and when to say it because I just had all these thoughts and fragments of thoughts on the subject but no clear way on how to express them in a way that fit to the ongoing conversation. So although I didn’t like that fact that the talking was mandatory I did enjoy the seminars other than that because even when I didn’t contribute it was interesting to listen to what other people had to say about it and such. So all in all you’ve been a lovely teacher and its been real.

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