Sunday, May 1, 2016

Katie Demetriades Assignment 25: STRESS!!

School is an obstacle course, and the sweet smell of summer is the finish line. Before we reach the finish line, we have to make it through the obstacles: the AP tests, the projects, and the finals. Needless to say, the stress is ramping up beyond belief. And here recently, I've lacked the motivation I had throughout most of the year, which just makes all this extra work harder. But in order to cope, I've made more than enough time for things that require little to no thinking. Here's a list of the things I do to relieve my stress:

1. SLEEP: I can't say it enough: sleep can cure anything. Some people have trouble sleeping when they're stressed, but personally, I need even more sleep than usual when I'm stressed. So I'm usually in bed by 10 around this time of year.
2. Take a nice, loooooooong bath: I know so many people think baths are disgusting because you're "sitting in your own dirt," but personally, I don't roll around in the mud right before I take a bath. So I'm usually fairly clean before I take a bath to begin with. I just find it very soothing to lay in warm water that's covered in soapy suds. And of course after my bath, I'm ready for bed!
3. Eat: we all have to eat, especially when we're stressed. I take extra time to satisfy my food cravings when I'm stressed.
4. Watch TV: or Netflix. Either will do. My current favorite show on Netflix is Saved by the Bell. Yes, I know that makes me a perpetual 4-year-old, but I can't help it. I've narrowed it down to two reasons: either I really want to be a part of group like theirs or Mario Lopez (nuff said).
5. Go out with my friends: It usually involves eating, which may be why it makes me so happy. But besides that, I love being surrounded by company that understand my worries and stresses. And we can sit and talk about how we haven't done any of the work we should be doing. I love being in the same boat as somebody!

At the end of the day, I realize these next 4 weeks are going to fly by, just as the past 4 weeks flew by. Whatever happens happens. It may not be pretty, but it's still my work, and that counts for something. It's the best thing I have going for me right now. And in 4 weeks, I'll finally be out of this city with my feet in the sand and my butt in a beach chair. Cheers to summer, everyone!

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