Sunday, May 22, 2016

The Future- Morgan Lakofka

Junior year flew by in a blink of the eye. One of the major success I’ve had is staying in school and getting decent grades in most of my classes. The biggest accomplishment is surviving physics. I have also branched out a lot and started participating in many new school activities. I joined the French club and the art club and I stage managed two of the school plays as well as worked on the crew for a third play and I also joined cross country.  One of my failures this year was my math grade, I didn’t actually fail, but it was not sub-par. A major lesson learned is not to procrastinate apush unit assignments which I will pass on to in a tip to upcoming juniors. Another lesson learned is how to take a derivative of a fraction and will now never be able to sing the song Row Your Boat without thinking about it thanks to Mrs. Deweese. For senior year, I want to maintain a good gpa and take more art classes. 

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