Sunday, May 22, 2016

Assignment 24 Elana Ehl

This year I learned something I thought I learned a during sophomore year, but apparently I really didn't. It is that I need to be more aware of what's going on to me and around me, and I need to cherish the things I can do because there will come a day when I can no longer do them.

This may sound a bit outlandish for a 16 year old to be saying; In fact, it might almost sound like I'm making up a bunch of bull just to fill a 150 word requirement. I assure you I am not.

About three weeks ago, in the last week of April, my lungs decided they wanted to stop working. I have chronic persistent asthma, diagnosed when I was five, so I am used to the constant struggle in living in a coexistence with lungs that seem to have a mind of there own; However,  I was no where near prepared to deal with the punch they threw at me on April 26th.

After a brief three day stay in the ICU, which I have never had to be in before in my life, you could say that things were put in perspective. I no longer have quite as ambitious goals as before, and those goals? Well I'm not quite sure what they are any more, honestly. I realized that: even though I just have asthma and most people aren't bothered by their asthma, that is not the kind of asthma I have. I can't push myself as much as I have been which means somethings in my life style are going to have to change. Finding what needs to change is going to take a level of awareness I have been refusing to use because hey its just asthma no one else seems to have this issue so i don't either, or at least I thought.

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