Sunday, May 22, 2016

Assignment 24 Spencer Parsons

i loved junior year and I also did not love junior year. Some aspects of it made me really unhappy because of how difficult certain classes were, but i grew a lot this year. I learned not to take certain things for granted any more. I am now much more capable of handling myself and knowing when I need to try harder. As for this summer, i am going to being doing a lot of traveling. Also im just so hype for senior year. My friend group has become sooo tight and that will only get better next year. Its gonna stink when we all got to college but I dont have to worry about that right now. this summer i cannot wait to go to young life camp. It is the best week of the whole summer and of my life. I am also getting to go on a father son fishing trip to canada soon which will be great fun. I am just ready for this week to be over! Bring on summer!

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