Sunday, May 22, 2016

Assignment 24 - Evan Hays Mk 3... or 4

This year was definitely the most educational of my life, because all of the learning came within.

Lets start with the bad news, failures,
I didn't spend my time very usefully for the greater stretch of this year. My philosophy typically founded itself on the idea that my problems will be resolved with time. They would fade away like morning mist as my life entered its noon. To cope with this, I preoccupied myself with the struggles of others. The idea behind this method was that if I could distract myself, the best way to do so was through the assistance of my friends, who had problems of their own that I, foolishly, claimed were "high school problems" and could be solved. I wasted a lot of time.

What I did not realize was that many of the issues presented top me by my comrades were not actually just single faced things to be tackled at first glance. Many of them were deep seated psychological issues brought on by society itself. My friends didn't need help finding a boyfriend or girlfriend, they needed help finding the confidence to do it themselves. But our current societal environment isn't conducive to that.

So instead I learned this year to focus on bettering myself. I want to become a better writer, learn languages, become a strong and physically fit vessel of culture. Then one day, instead of helping each of my friends individually, I can break down the society that hurts them collectively.

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