Sunday, August 30, 2015

Assignment 1: Howdy

Hi! My name is Elana Kelsey Ehl, and I was born in Lexington, KY on June 26th, 1999. I’m currently 16 and a junior at Henry Clay. I have two brothers: an older brother, Josh (who everyone seems to know already), and a younger brother, Jacob, who just started 6th grade at The Lexington School.

Over this summer I would have to say the most memorable thing that happened was my stomach surgery. I suffer from Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease and I had developed a hiatal hernia, which is really just a fancy way of saying my stomach was moving into my chest cavity. Because of this my lungs were silently aspirating the contents of my stomach, which was really a wonderful experience. Who doesn’t love to breathe their own stomach acid? As you can imagine, it was pretty bad and it actually ended up turning my asthma from mild and manageable to severe and dangerous. As a result,  I ended up in the emergency room three times last year and had to breathe through a machine multiple times a day just to be able to walk. Things got so bad it became crucial that I had surgery as soon as possible in order for me to live a normal(er) life, and so on June 24, two days before my birthday, I arrived at the hospital and was operated on that afternoon.

I’m not really that great at this whole writing thing. I definitely see myself as more of a math and science girl. I love science so much that I plan on becoming a nurse practitioner, which actually requires a PhD believe it or not. My academic goals are simple: I want to A's, B's, and definitely not C's. That way, when schools are looking to recruit me for diving, I’ll be both academically and athletically qualified. I am very good at goal setting, once I know what I want there is really nothing stopping me from attaining it.
I may be a math and science girl in school, but I love to read for fun. My favorite book series is The Mortal Instruments. I can fangirl over it and talk about it ALL day. I often flip to my favorite parts in the books I like when I am having a bad day to make me happy. Books aren't the only thing I fangirl over though. I also fangirl over some of the bands I listen too, like 5 Seconds of Summer and Fall Out Boy. I really enjoy punk rock and alternative rock music, but occasionally some indie bands interest me. I also fangirl over YouTubers such as Joe Sugg and Dan Howell.
The most important thing in my life, besides my family and school of course, is diving. I am on elite diving team that trains at the University of Kentucky. I practice five days a week, and once the Henry Clay dive season starts in October I will be diving up to seven days a week. Currently I am ranked 6th in the State on the one meter springboard and 17th in the nation in synchronized diving on the 3 meter springboard. I also compete on the 10 meter tower. This is my passion. My goal for diving is to get recruited to a NCAA division one school, like Auburn.

Thats another thing about me people learn about me pretty quickly: I am a HUGE Auburn fan. Football season is my favorite season of the year and I follow Auburn football religiously.

I like to think that I am a superhero fan. Spiderman is my favorite superhero ever. I would love to have some rockin' spidey powers, but I also think it would be cool to be able to shapeshift, mainly because I want to be able to fly, breathe underwater, and be super strong all at the same time!

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