Sunday, August 30, 2015

Howdy palmigos

Good afternoon everyone, my name is Evan Vee Hays. I'm a sixteen year old right now but on the 9th of September I'll be seventeen physically and about 7 or 8 mentally. I'm not entirely sure what I should say about myself, and I don't want this to look like a really bad resume so in the interest of perpetuating a true image of myself, I'll share the following. My favorite song is either Rain Song or Battle of Evermore by Led Zeppelin. I really like jazz, the cooler stuff from the late 50s really grooves well with me, especially Miles Davis. I really like to read, and think thatsince I'm trapped in school most of the time these days, the best thing I can do for myself is read everything I can about anything there is. Broad Horizons make for broad aspirations.

This year I have no real "set academic goals" this year aside from to be as involved as possible and to work hard (efficiently) at whatever I'm given to do. I give a lot of flak to the public school system, most of it heavily biased, but in the end its better to be hard at work than bored. Physically I want to improve my boxing skills. Mentally I want to read a book a month starting September. Spiritually and Socially... I guess I just don't want to be a D-Bag.

This summer, the weekend before school began, about 7 of my friends and myself went to my farm in Lower eastern Kentucky to camp. The whole experience was very stressful because it was just a logistical nightmare to cart everyone down with the proper supplies. I spent about the whole of the first day freaking out and trying to get everything set up and it was no fun at all. Then, on the second day, I woke up early and looked at all my buddies who were just chilling in their various tents and hammocks, sound asleep. They were so utterly... chill. I decided then and there to just lay back and enjoy the rest of the trip for regardless of the conditions, and that night we watched the first of the Perseid meteors streak across an unpolluted sky. It was, as this assignment says "the most significant thing I did this summer".

I don't have any one particular power that I would choose above any other power, but the super "hero" I envy the most is Dr. Manhattan from the watchmen books. Having total grasp of the universe to such a degree that even though you can have anything you want, you are just too omnipotent to care? That's my definition of awesome.

Many things geek me out. In all honesty I could probably be enthusiastic about everything if its presented right. For example, I, Evan Hays, LOATHE, the study of Mathematics. I hate it. I suck at it. Math and I have made a pact of mutually assured destruction together. However, after watching an episode of Cosmos with Neil DeGrasse Tyson, in which he basically proved how old the universe was and how much of it we can see with simple arithmetic, I was all aboard the math train. I really enjoy writing, maybe not in the way I should, but I scribble poems and soliloquy nonetheless.

My favorite website is
The Art of Manliness

Here's a photo of me when I was in DC this summer in front of the national archives. Apparently the woman in the chair is supposed to be Hypatia, the last librarian of Alexandria.

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