Sunday, August 30, 2015


Hey 2nd hour, my name is Grae Chambers and before I tell you anything about myself I'd like to apologize for being truly terrible at "getting to know you" assignments. I always use the same generic answers, but this time I'll try to be honest and interesting, just for you all.

Let's start with the basics: I'm 16 going on 17,  with a birthday on December 14th. I've lived in Lexington for the majority of my life but my roots are in Winchester, something I was ashamed to admit in elementary school. I live about 2 minutes away from school with my mom, dad, younger sister, and 3 dogs.

Now I'll acknowledge Mr. Logsdon's suggested questions, which I'd like to thank him for providing, because they'll give me some ground to stand on while I'm telling you all about myself. Before school started I created a list of goals for this year, because I was hell bent on doing a 360 from my life sophomore year. Some of those goals included actually dressing nicely for school, and saving my GPA. Unfortunately, I've been cursed with being a lazy perfectionist. The cycle goes like this; I set an unrealistic goal for myself, work toward it for about 5 minutes, and get upset when the results aren't as good as I'd like them to be.

The most meaningful moment of my summer occurred on July 15th. There was not just one meaningful moment, this was one of those occurrences where every event is only profound when strung together. I woke up that morning around 8 am, which in the time zone of summer is equivalent to about 4 am, and took an exercise class. This was to calm my nerves before taking my restricted license test. After the class my mom got the text she had been dreading for the past week, her fathers condition was getting worse and he was being sent to a hospice center. This news distracted me and when it came time to take my test, The driving test proctor got into the car and told me my first task was to attempt parallel parking. When I hit the curb I didn't ask for a second try like I knew I should. True to my "all or nothing" personality, I couldn't just hit the curb, no, I had to panic and plow over it. I'd like to take this moment to apologize to the flowers and grass that met their untimely death via tire that day. Needless to say, I didn't pass. Later that night my spirits could only be lifted by going to the store with my mom to purchase an entire cake, and eat it by ourselves. At the end of what could be called the most disappointing day of my life, I crawled into my moms bed, and we debated life and death for what seemed like hours. I knew I couldn't say anything to stop her sadness over losing her dad, but I knew I had to be there for her. That day taught me that despite any personal problem you could ever have, the comfort of others is the only thing that can get you through it.

Okay jeez that was deep so I'm going to move on to one of my favorite topics: Netflix. Now you could ask any 16 year old white girl what her favorite activity is and she will respond with just 2 syllables: Netflix. But I feel that unlike the fellow girls of my social Ingroup I take it to a whole other level. Basically, I geek out over any and every show I've ever watched. My favorite thing to do is debate the finale of How I Met Your Mother with my sister, speaking about the characters as though they were real people. My entire freshman year was spent binge watching Grey's Anatomy, I watched all nine seasons in less than a month. My current obsession is The Vampire Diaries and I'm impatiently waiting for the 6th season to be available online.

I'm sorry this was so long but sometimes when I start writing my fingers can't stop. So I'll leave you all with a picture of me when I got my wisdom teeth out:
and my favorite website:

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