Saturday, August 29, 2015

Katie Demetriades Assignment 1: Howdy

Why hello! My name is Katie Demetriades, and I am awful at describing myself, but I am going to try my best.

However, one thing I do know for sure is I am not a goal setting person. We have been taught "goal setting skills" since elementary school, but I have never followed through on any goals I have actually made. I guess it is just my personality. Even with that being said, for the purposes of this blog, I will make some goals for myself. Personally, I would like to be a better person. By that, I mean I want to have a more positive outlook on this world and all the people in it. I started out sweet, and somewhere along the way, I turned sour. The goal is to get back to being sweet. My academic goals are much more simple. I want to continue making straight A's, doing my best, and learning as much as I can. Academics have always been my strong suit, and using the same goals every year, I have always managed to make not only my family, but myself, proud.

Ninety nine percent of my summer was filled with boredom. There was only one event that I had to look forward to, and it did not come until the end of July. My best friend, Alexis, got us tickets to a One Direction concert in Indianapolis back in November. After nine months of waiting, July 31st finally came! Not only was the concert incredible (obviously), but the rest of the weekend, that was spent exploring Indy with my best friend, was amazing. I could not have asked for a better ending to what was a sleep filled summer.

I am not much of a superhero person, but if I had to pick one superpower, it would have to be super speed. I lack all athletic abilities, including the ability to run like a normal person. I consider myself to be a pretty fast walker, but when it comes to jogging or running, I go as fast as my grandmother. Plus it is not a pretty site. If I had super speed, I could get so much more done by eliminating the extra time it takes me to get from one place to another. No more saving money for gas!

I don't "geek" out, I fangirl. I am not sure if those two terms are interchangeable, but fangirling is one of my areas of expertise. I tend to fangirl over people (famous, that is) rather than objects. I am most involved in the Katy Perry and Dolan twins fandom as of right now, but it is constantly changing. I have been a dedicated KatyCat (a fan of Queen KP) since 2013, but I have been enjoying her music since I was 11 years old. The Dolan twins are my newest obsession, but their comedy and cuteness make a great combination.

If there was ever a video to describe my life perfectly, it is this: The story behind it is this couple who own a German Shepherd put a GoPro camera on her back to see what she did when she was home by herself. As you can clearly see from the video, she does not enjoy being home by herself. My German Shepherd, Jake, is the exact same way, and I am sure he runs around in the same fashion when he is alone. Unfortunately, if we ever attached a GoPro camera to him, he would just eat it.

Favorite website: (in case it was not obvious enough) The only place to go to get the latest on the Queen of Pop!

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