Monday, August 31, 2015

Assignment 2: iwrite

In 1976, Steve Jobs became a co-founder of Apple. 35 years later he retired, putting his enormous company into different hands, and shortly thereafter succumbed to cancer. His retirement and death did not just mean a promotion for Tim Cook, the new CEO, but a major shift in a company that has been a key player in technology innovation in the 21st century.  Love 'em or hate 'em, Steve Jobs changed our lives.

So, this brings us to your writing for the week:

How has technology affected your life?

Choose one of the following prompts and in 150 words or more, provide your answer.
  • Has technology affected you in a majorly positive way? What happened?
  • Has technology ever inconvenienced you or hurt you? Maybe technology got in your way, slowed you down or even literally hurt you? Have you seen technology have a negative impact on society?
  • How would your life have been different if you'd grown up 20 years earlier? How would you interact with others? Do you think your relationships then would differ from your present relationships? Which time period would you prefer and why?
  • Become a futurist and theorize on how might technology evolve over the next decade and what changes might those changes bring.  

The deadline for this blog is Sunday, September 6th at 11:59 p.m.

1 comment:

  1. Prompt 4: The year is 2050. Cars Fly, people never die, and our pets are robots. Though many believe that Human interaction would reach an all time low, it could be just the opposite. Today, we have lost social interaction because we spend all of our time on electronic devices. We have all seen self driving cars and speech to text phones coming to the market, so what does this mean? Human interaction will rise. As off the wall as it sounds, it has reason behind it. In the future, most all of our electronic devices will be self sufficient; cars driving themselves, phones connected to our brains, etc. Without need for humans to control them, our electronics will take care of their and our needs on their own. Humans will grow bored. The ultimate solution will be resorting to natural human interaction. In theory, the electronic world, and the human world will be completely separate, simply clashed together, unlike todays world where they play hand in hand.


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