Sunday, August 30, 2015


I am Rachel Nicole Bragg, and I am going to start this off with all of the generic boring stuff that few people actually care about. I run. I swim. I play the violin. I use a lot of social media. I am awkward and shy, yet loud at the same time. I shop way too often and buy way too many clothes. I am obsessed with music and the way specific songs make me feel when I listen to them. Judgmental people make me angry, like can everyone just chill and let other people live their lives? This introduction is random and messy but I feel that it is an accurate representation of my life most of the time.

Most of my time, when I'm not at school or doing homework, is spent with people I care about, my friends and family. But other than that, I like to run and swim. As you might realize this year, I'm not very coordinated at all, so when I began trying out sports, it was obvious to me that I wouldn't be playing soccer or any other sport of that nature. Even during cross country, I struggle sometimes. Example being that last week I tripped on the sidewalk while running and completely wiped out; I will probably have a permanent mark on my knee to remind myself of my stupidity. Swimming is a little different because my biggest struggle is remembering to keep my feet kicking while maintaining the correct arm movement for the stoke. Once again, it's a coordination issue.

I don't know why I spend so much time looking at what other people on the planet are doing at all times but it is something that I do during the 24 hours I get for every day. Instagram, Tumblr and Youtube are slowly taking over my life and I don't know how to stop it.

Music is such a beautiful thing. It is the only thing that keeps me from being 100% stressed. I play the violin so I have a little better understanding about the notes and technical things of music, but it just amazes me to think about all the work that artists put into their music. The cords, the beat, the lyrics, everything that makes a song unique; it is marvelous. I am going to compose a list of the people I have major respect for as artists and people who I just enjoy their music. One Direction, Ed Sheeran, Shawn Mendes, Taylor Swift, Bea Miller, Ariana Grande and Fall Out Boy. One thing that  hate is when people call my music taste "basic". If I like a song that everyone else likes, it is not basic, it is a good song. People ask me, "You like One Direction?" then they go on to tell me how they are just another "boy band" and that only "kids" like them. One Direction is a pop/rock music group of four men that write their own music and enjoy performing the music they work so hard to make. This paragraph is turning into a rant so I might as well transition to my "what I hate" paragraph.

Spiders, the dark, pickles, sweating, speaking in front of big groups of people, people who don't say what they feel, and judgmental people. I hate everything I just listed. I'm sure I could think of more but I don't have the time or energy to think of them.

One Direction, Supernatural, Netflix shows I've watched (too many to list), cute animals, music/facts about bands, llamas, and Pinterest recipes/crafts. Those are the things that "geek me out". If I tried to explain each of them to you I would type way more than what is asked of me, so if you want to know about anything on the list, ask me.

I have already typed way more than I expected to but that's okay right? I hope whoever reads this was slightly amused by something in this post. Have a good day.

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