Saturday, August 29, 2015

Howdy--Lucy Whitman Sandmeyer

Hi. I'm Lucy Whitman Sandmeyer (no hyphen). First thing you should know about me, I really suck at get to know you things. This assignment will probably send me into a deep existential crisis with that little person in the tin foil hat in the back of my brain rocking back in forth muttering Who am I REALLY? until I gradually go insane. So thanks for that in advance.

Still, I have to try so here goes. I'm your pretty basic nerd I guess: I read; I watch or have watched "geeky" TV shows and videos (my biweekly pleasure; I care about, even like, learning BUT I don't wear glasses so I can't pull a Disney Channel become-a-normal-person transformation. But I want to do well, to try, to improve and to attempt to actively participate in class (even on Tuesdays which are, without a doubt, the worst days of the week).

My ultimate life goal is to become a spy--as in the Natasha Romanoff, Sarah from Chuck, Agent 99 kind of thing--but if that doesn't pan out I'll settle for being some kind of scientist though I haven't figured out what kind yet. As of now my spy training hasn't started so I'm forced instead to focus my energies on school and finding an inexpensive private martial arts teacher.

I'm one of those people that jump around from thing to thing because a.) I'm critical and a bit cynical and b.) I've never found THAT thing that makes me super happy. I'm workin' on it. Anyway, I love traveling and get to do it a lot because I have a very generous aunt who loves to spoil my sister and me (and yes, we are spoiled). So far I've been to Germany, Australia, Italy, Scotland, England, Costa Rica, and all over the States on some crazy cool adventures I will never be able to afford when I grow up. Highlight of my summer: when my host mom woke me up because THERE WAS A SLOTH IN MY BACKYARD 

Before I quit here are some super speed personality questions:
Superpower? Flying, no question.
Favorite artist? Hozier. 
Favorite book? Harry Potter 3 (ITS JUST SO GOOD) or The Phantom Tollbooth
Favorite season? Fall especially in KY. 
The animal I most want in my life? A pig. (Another one of my dreams is to live on a farm. Basically my life goals are developing into Clint Barton's life in the Marvel movies). 
My weird mild obsession? Maps. 
Constant emotion state? Very stressed out.
That's all probably. Who knows though because WHO AM I? 

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