Sunday, August 30, 2015

Howdy Matthew Telfer

What's up guys it's THE Matt Telfer. Even though I'm tired of it, I lifeguard at Hartland pool. On second thought, who isn't tired of their job? Playing tennis is also a large part of my hectic life.
An academic goal of mine is to become more involved. These past couple of years have been just been me going to class and not really doing anything outside of that. On the personal side of things, I think most people want to become a better version of themselves every year, and I can't say I'm much different. I'm kind of shy, while not to the point of being antisocial, I would say I'm on the introverted end of the spectrum.
Saving lives everyday as a lifeguard was the most meaningful part of my summer. I'm kidding. How can anything be meaningful when you're getting paid minimum wage to do it? The REAL most meaningful part of my summer was on a kayak tour in Hawaii. During the trip, I didn't have a care in the world. It's cool to be halfway across the Pacific Ocean from your problems.
I'm not really a superhero kind of guy. If I had to pick a superhero and their superpower it would be Spiderman. He was a normal guy until a spider bit him, but now he's the ultimate bruh. What's cooler than shooting webs out of your fingers.Nothing.
I feel like a lot of the stuff that geeks me out isn't school appropriate. My favorite website is a no brainer . Speaking of sports, here's a good picture. Even though this picture probably doesn't mean anything to you, it means the world to Cowboys fan. Dez caught it.

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