Sunday, August 30, 2015

Assignment 1: HOWDY Tyler Rosenkrantz

Hello, My name is Tyler Rosenkrantz, and i answer to either my first name or my last name. In fact i am more often called Rosenkrantz than i am Tyler, which is fine with me. :)

My Birthday is March 28. I am currently 16 and i do have my drivers permit. However, my permit also lists me as a someone could mistake me - A 6'6" hairy man child for a female i don't know! It still says that; my dad didn't want to wait in line again to get it changed.

In case you didn't know (although im not sure how you wouldn't XD ) I am a band geek, and am involved in literally all things band. I participate in marching band, jazz band, Wind Ensemble, and steel band. I also participate in extracurricular musical activities outside of school such as CKYO and CKYO JAO.

I have a math and music brain, that's just who I am, and it's what I'm good at. I get it from my dad. Most of my personal goals for this year are musically oriented. Some of my goals for this year include: Making first chair wind ensemble, making all-district and all-district jazz, and making first trumpet in CKYO JAO. Two of my loftier goals are making 1st chair all-state jazz and making GSA- both are very prestigious ensembles to be accepted into and I would be more than thrilled to make one if not both.
Junior year is said to be the hardest year. That being said, one of my academic goals for this year is to pass all of the AP tests that I am taking this year. I would also like to make straight A's, and I acknowledge that will take a lot of hard work. Passing the AP tests will definitely help with my goal though.

The most meaningful moment of my summer vacation was probably when my parents surprised me with a ticket to DCI Finals (Drum Corp International) in Indy with one of my best friends. The easiest way to explain Drum Corp to those who aren't familiar with it or music/band would be marching band on steroids. Drum corps consist of the top musicians/marchers from the nation who spend a summer (season) building and crafting their show to be the best it can be. I plan to march Drum Corp in my future. I would love to march Blue Devils, but they are located in Concord, CA, and i will more likely end up marching Carolina Crown, debatably my favorite corp.

I am a huge tech nerd and enjoy all things new and techy, thats what geeks me out. I enjoy watching videos and learning about all the new tech stuff like iphones and apple watches and stuff like that. I also get geeked out by band stuff, especially trumpet and Drum Corp. I have multiple trumpets and enjoy playing them all. I like testing out new trumpets and helping people find horns that our good for them.

One of my main sources of entertainment is YouTube. I enjoy watching comedians, and video gamers, from Minecraft to shooters, and also watching Drum Corp Videos. I would probably say that YouTube is my favorite website, so I will hyperlink one of my favorite videos. It is Carolina Crown from 2013, when they received the first perfect hornline score EVER. Fantastic. Must Watch.
This is a video of their Victory run. This is their entire show, also phenomenal!

And the last video I will post is the Blue Devils Space Chords. This is probably the best warmup/chord progression you will ever hear. If u dont watch the other 2 videos atleast watch this one. It will give u chills!
I originially planned on posting one video but i got geeked out and continued to post more, because this is what i love :)

I use this picture to describe me simply because it does. This picture perfectly describes me, doing what i love, with those i love doing it with, and it also explains everyone the picture very well and my friendship with all of them. XD. And yes, I am wearing a Carolina Crown hat and shirt. I love band. :)

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