Sunday, August 30, 2015

Assignment 1: Howdy

Hello, my name is Braeden Bowen. If you like technology, film, and photography, then you might find me interesting. If not, I'm honestly not sure what to tell you.

As I mentioned, there are three things that really "geek me out." The first is technology. I love how intricate it is and how many things you can do with it. Computers, phones, printers; I'm fascinated by them all. Film and photography, however, are another story entirely. I enjoy photography not for its technicality, but for the challenge of taking a picture that captures beauty and makes a statement. This one is one of my favorites.

Film gets its own paragraph because of how special it is to me. I honestly don't enjoy just sitting and watching movies. I love the behind the scenes aspect of it: script writing, directing, set design, etc. Like technology, I'm interested in knowing how it works. Like photography, I want each frame to capture beauty and make a statement. When these two things collide, it creates a film that can inspire and entertain. I'm working now on filming the pilot episode for a science fiction show that I've been working on since last summer. Here's the title card.

Sure it could be considered plugging, but my favorite website is my photography blog: It's not that I am full of myself, it's that the blog is a great opportunity for artistic expression that doesn't often present itself in school or at work.

Over the summer, I did two things: first of all, I started my job at IAKSS. I work in technology, which means I run around Central Office every day fixing things that perpetually seem to be broken. As frustrating as it is to fix the same printer 11 times in a week, my job is very rewarding; I like it a lot. The second thing I did was move houses. I haven't done that in 14 years, and so it was a difficult transition at first. I've gotten used to the new space now, and I'm really enjoying myself in it. I don't think any moment in particular was more meaningful that the rest, because they were all pretty great.

My academic goals for this year are to get all A's both semesters. I haven't done that in high school before, but I'm really working at it now. I also want to do well on the PSAT and ACT in the spring.

My personal goals for this year are to finish at least two short films. I have four or five written, I just have to bring all of the pieces together and film them. I'm not sure which goals I'm more excited about; personal or academic.

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