Sure it could be considered plugging, but my favorite website is my photography blog: http://bw-photos-official.tumblr.com/. It's not that I am full of myself, it's that the blog is a great opportunity for artistic expression that doesn't often present itself in school or at work.
Over the summer, I did two things: first of all, I started my job at IAKSS. I work in technology, which means I run around Central Office every day fixing things that perpetually seem to be broken. As frustrating as it is to fix the same printer 11 times in a week, my job is very rewarding; I like it a lot. The second thing I did was move houses. I haven't done that in 14 years, and so it was a difficult transition at first. I've gotten used to the new space now, and I'm really enjoying myself in it. I don't think any moment in particular was more meaningful that the rest, because they were all pretty great.
My academic goals for this year are to get all A's both semesters. I haven't done that in high school before, but I'm really working at it now. I also want to do well on the PSAT and ACT in the spring.
My personal goals for this year are to finish at least two short films. I have four or five written, I just have to bring all of the pieces together and film them. I'm not sure which goals I'm more excited about; personal or academic.
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