Saturday, August 29, 2015


   Hi I'm Lauren Spivey! So when it comes to grades I'm not really one of those people who are obsessed with getting straight A's, but that doesn't mean that I don't care. I am very serious about keeping adequate grades and hope that I can stick with it this year. Last year was the first year I got a C in a class, ever. I was not a big fan of that so I'm dead set on not having to go through that again this year. So far though, I'm loving junior year. I was originally going to take 5 AP classes and I decided that it wasn't such a good idea so I switched out of AP Calculus and AP Physics and it was honestly the best decision I've made so far. I can already tell I'm going to really like this school year and it also helps that I will be able to drive by myself in about 15 days.

    So about me, you obviously know I have a twin sister. We are closer than ever, which is a good thing because I always have someone to talk to if I need it. Even though we are twins, we have very different personalities. Emily is very happy-go-lucky and me on the other hand, well, I'm what they call moody. If you ever catch me in a bad mood, I apologize.  The only downside to being a twin, in my opinion, is that I think it has kept me from being more independent. I get so freaked out when I have to go somewhere or do something by myself. I also really, really hate public speaking. It's better if I can calm myself down but my worst fear is getting picked on in class. Those kinds of teachers who call on people who don't have their hands raised are the epitome of evil in my eyes. I also think this is because of being a twin. Don't get me wrong though, I love to talk. In fact its one of my favorite things to do but I like to do it on my own terms not by being forced into doing it. I also have two very loving parents. My mom is the HR manager for a non-profit called the Child Care Council, and my dad is the Controller of Webasto, a manufacturing company that makes sunroofs for cars. We always have a great time together and I know that I can credit what I call my humor and my personality to them.

   The most meaningful moment of my summer vacation by far, was my One Direction concert. Don't judge. I'm always pretty scared to tell people that I like One Direction because I'm given the typical teenage girl stereotype but honestly I can't remember what it was like to not be a fan of them. I originally started becoming a fan in the seventh grade and my sister made so much fun of me for it. But summer before 8th grade I converted her to a fan so we see where making fun of me got her. This last concert in Indianapolis was my 3rd time seeing them live and it was probably the best day of my life so far. I'm 99.9% sure that I will be 45 years old and going to their reunion concert. Don't ask me what it is that makes me like them because  I cant answer that.I honestly don't know. I heard about them for the first time when What Makes You Beautiful came out and then I just started watching Youtube videos and buying their music on iTunes and I haven't stopped since. I can tend to be very defensive about them sometimes but I cant help it. People judge them so hard before actually listening to more than What Makes You Beautiful and thinking that they are a traditional boy band that do synchronized dance moves, but they aren't. They are probably the worst dancers I've ever seen and I think if they had done synchronized dances I wouldn't have been much of a fan. They are so stupid sometimes but they make me happy so I think that's what matters. I could seriously go on and on about them but I wont.

   Asking what superpower I would have is pretty difficult. I think if I had to pick it would be Teleportation. I would love to not have to go up or down stairs and just magically appear in the room that I want to be in. That and that I would never be late or have to worry about long drives and planning around time. And how cool would it be to play ping pong by yourself? You could just teleport to the opposite side of the table after every play, and you could never loose.

   This video makes me so happy. It's a guy named Tom Fletcher who is a member of the band McBusted, and his son Buzz who is the cutest thing ever. :

My favorite website by far is:

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