Monday, February 22, 2016

19: Plastics Maggie Arvin

A piece of advice that seemed to stick with me is: Don't judge a book by its cover.

Now, when you hear this you're thinking about how cheesy this must be. In all actuality its something everyone should carry around with them even if it may seem... difficult. When you meet someone that has a mean expression, covered in tattoos, and is smoking outside his workplace you probably do not think the highest of him. For all you know, he could be a doctor that happened to step out for his break, or maybe a popular hairstylist that is taking his break between guests. Judging someone on how they choose to present themselves is not something that should be part of the "norm". We grow up in a society that is is cool to make fun of others and make snooty comments. People even force themselves to believe "its only human" to do so. Try to go out of your way to talk to someone you wouldn't originally talk to. Possibly because you're intimidated by them, being in a different social status, different race, different sexuality. You may find yourself making a friend that you may not have found by avoiding them. Or, you know there is always the possibility that you make a huge embarrassment of yourself... but at least you put yourself out there.

20: How to Maggie Arvin

How to: Be open, and Comfortable, with yourself.
When I saw the summary of this post, I immediately thought of cooking, but to be honest, I'm a lot more experienced in the art of being yourself.... sorta.
Step 1~ Accept it. Its literally impossible for other people to accept you if you don't accept yourself. Whether it be sexuality, gender, a personality trait, or anything else, you have to understand and accept it yourself first. Its hard, and it takes time to understand, so don't rush yourself.
Step 2~ Start small. Be open with a few friends around you. Unless they are someone you don't need in your life, they'll be accepting and understanding. WARNING!!! Not everyone will accept it. It sucks, and people suck, but you don't need them. Surround yourself with people who care enough about you to love you for who you are.
Step 3~ Don't Rush. I know this isn't really a completable task, but don't rush yourself. This process as a whole is hard enough, don't push it, and don't let other people push you. This is your life, move at your own speed.
Step 4~ IM UGLY, AND IM PROUD... no, but really let the world know. Once you are comfortable with the idea, be proud, and show it off. You are an individual, and you are important. Don't be afraid to be proud of yourself. Let people call you big headed, but don't be scared to show yourself off.
Step 5~ Be happy. Love yourself. Don't let anyone bring you down.

Assignment 21: Right Now

At this very moment, somewhere in the universe...

Minimum of 150 words - due Sunday, March 6th at 11:59 pm

(Last day to submit posts 21-23 will be April 3)

Sunday, February 21, 2016

18: Buckets and Buckets Maggie Arvin

High School:
~Get decent grades
Honestly, theres not a lot I want to do before I get out of high school. For me, the main goal is to survive it. Lets be honest, Highschool is hell, so just getting through it seems like a reasonable bucket list contendent to me.

(I don't actually plan to goto college. Culinary school is a possibility, but in my desired career field, school isn't necessarily a necessity, or very well respected, so I guess ill count "college" as my immediate years out of highschool.)
~Learn to cook (More or less get my culinary education, regardless if its at a culinary institute)
~Get my own place with my girlfriend (Which honestly might be more in the highschool bucket list more so then this one)
~Buy dogs...? (assuming the circumstances allow)
I wasn't sure I wanted to be a chef until recently, and sometimes I still kinda question it, but learning how to cook is what I want to do with my time after highschool. In the culinary field, starting low in the kitchen, ie dishwasher, and working up in hands on experiences is much more respected, and applyable, than culinary school.

~Study food in a foreign country
~Goto Paris
~Have a Family...with lots of pets
~Have a closet full of personally tailored suits
~Head chef/ Owning a restraint
A lot of things on this list seem important to me, but in different fields, mostly family and work. Of course, I want a family, and a house. I'm cheesy quite honestly, and for me, a wife, a baby, a house and a puppy seems like the life to me... with a nice cooking job thrown in the mix.

How to: Morgan Lakofka

How to art
  1.  Have patience. Good art takes time. Don’t rush it. If you can’t do this you will need to rethink your activities. 
  2.  Find something you enjoy/can look at for a long period of time. (for instance a puppy, a flower, a sunset) Unless you’re going by memory, which is a lot harder. If you’re a beginner, I don’t recommend.
  3.   Pick out a medium. This could be many different things; pencil, paint, pastels, colored pencils, markers, sharpies, cut out pictures from magazines, glue and glitter, trash, recycled newspapers, or book pages.
  4. Lay it out or draw it out. Figure out how you want it to look and how to space it out before you start. This will help you from restarting half way through. Or throwing it away.
  5. Just do it.
  6.  Marvel at your masterpiece. 
  7. Watch it being hung up in MOMA

How to... Ski - Rachel Bragg

This past weekend, I was lucky enough to go to skiing on the warmest day of February. A couple of my friends and I had acknowledged the fact that we had little to no idea how to ski correctly, so we decide to get a ski instructor to help us. This lesson ended up taking almost 2 hours. Tom, our ski instructed was equally horrible and amazing. He was a cute old man who treated us like we were 5 and took like 10 minutes just to tell us a bad joke. So today I am going to pass on all of the knowledge Tom gifted us with.

How to ski (like Tom):
- First you have to spend 30 minutes filling out paperwork/putting your ski boots on/walking up two flights of stairs in those snow boots because you forgot to leave your shoes in the lodge/getting the skis and poles
- Then put on the skis and try not to fall over.
- At first, you will have to use your arms a lot, because you are mostly likely not on the top of a hill.
- Find the easiest looking hill, probably not one you take a ski lift to, and stand at the top.
- Start with your skis parallel, hips length apart, and slowly push your heels outward until your skis resemble a slice of pizza, not too big, just an average slice.
- Next, set up your skiers stance. Push your weight forward a bit until you feel your shins hit the front of your boot, this is shin to boot contact. Then slightly lean forward, you want to be in the front seat, because the back seat is for messing around. Hold your poles out in front, elbows lightly bent, and point the bottom of the poles backwards. This is the skiers stance.
- Now you are ready to go, give yourself a little push with your poles, and keep the skiers stance all the way to the bottom of the hill.
- To stop, push you heels out more, to form a bigger slice of pizza.
- After you have completed that technique several times, you are ready to start turning.
- To turn, you must start with your skis parallel and instead of pushing both heels out to form a pizza, you push the leg farthest way from the direction you want to turn (for example, to turn right you must push with the left ski).
- Just repeat that until you can turn easily, and you can even stop yourself by turning, once you get the hang of it.

Those are the instructions that we were given by Tom, and right after we finished our lesson, we went straight to one of the harder hills... I fell in the same place both times I went down the hill. Sadly I forgot shin to boot contact and fell backwards both times. I also let go of my poles both times which led to me being stranded in the snow until a nice, experience person came to pick up my poles and help me to my feet. What great people.

Assignment #20 How To Make An Omelet Kyree Carpenter

First and foremost, you have to begin by gathering your ingredients, which are composed of eggs, milk, cheese, meats. and veggies. After this is done, grab a bowl  and mix the eggs around with the milk. Once this is done, place your pan on the stove and apply butter to it, and allow it to melt. Once the butter is melted, pour the bowl into the pan. Next, put all your ingredients into the pan that you would like to add to the omelet (sausage, peppers, tomatoes, etc.) and allow the bottom of the eggs to harden. Once the bottom is thoroughly cooked, you are now going to flip the omelet, so the top is now cooking. Wait another few minutes for this to finish and now your omelet is ready, just add salt and pepper to it and you've got yourself quite the breakfast.

Plastics: Morgan Lakofka

“Keep an open mind”

This is a piece of advice my dad gives me quite a bit. It’s a pretty common piece of advice but it sticks with me. I try to use it in difficult situations when I’m worried about what will happen, or if something goes wrong. I like this piece of advice because it helps me realize that I don’t need to worry. If you keep an open mind, it makes you go with the flow. Sometimes I’ll have expectations of what is to come but keeping an open mind makes it easier to deal with the outcomes and makes me feel open to more opportunities. It allows me to be more creative and have a more positive outlook. Once I make a decision, it’s hard to get me to change my mind. My dad says this to me whenever I’m stuck on my decision. It gets me to consider other options and find out what is best for me. 

Buckets and Buckets: Morgan Lakofka

High School
  • ·         Make good grades

  • ·         Get into college

  • ·         Travel

My bucket lists are pretty basic. During high school I want to get good grades, make a decent score on the ACT, and figure out what I want to do in the future. In college, well I want to get in somewhere first. I would like to pursue art, I’m looking into Graphic Design as a major and career. Hopefully I will stick with this in the future and won’t have to change majors. In life, I want to be successful. I would like to make enough money to travel, all over the world is the goal. I’d like to make it out of the U.S. once.  I want to live somewhere warm, Hawaii or California sounds great. I want to go sky diving one day. When I’m much older I’d like to have a house on the beach and a small family with a steady career.  

Plastics - Rachel Bragg

Disclaimer: This is going to be a bit churchy because the advice is from the Bible.

Recently, I was reading the book of James with my high school church group, which was weird because when I went to school at LCA we had to memorize the book of James in 6th grade. It had been a while, but I was reading chapter one and I got to verse 19 and it hit me like a truck.

"Take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry." -James 1:19

I can be a very impulsive talker sometimes. Which often leads to interrupting people. I began to notice this when a friend of mine called me out on it. Then I read this verse and it all made sense. Listening is an important part of any relationship and being an active listener lets the person know that you care about what they are saying. Sometimes I find myself just waiting for the person to finish so I can say something that I want to say instead of actually comprehending what that person said. I can also be quick tempered, mostly due to impatience. It felt like this verse was speaking directly to me and it was quite helpful. Sometimes we need a slap in the face to realize things that we need to fix about our actions towards others. This verse was that for me.

Assignment #19 Plastics Kyree Carpenter

Truth be told, I usually ignore advice that is given to me unless I feel as if the person attains wisdom, or I have a large amount of respect for that person. The one thing that has really stuck with me is when my deceased grandfather told me that through hard work, anything can be achieved. Yes, I know it lacks originality, but this statement of advice could not be any truer.

When I was younger, I struggled with my weight, and it often prohibited me from performing to my full potential in many thongs, but most importantly basketball. But, through hard work I successfully got myself together, through eating healthy and running every day. It seemed impossible, but I was able to do it through hard work, However, even though I have not yet played on Varsity for Henry Clay, I plan to try out next year and train even harder because I know I can do it, it just requires a little determination.

Assignment 20: How to sleep through a tornado Tyler Rosenkrantz

I'm fairly certain that i could sleep through the end of the world. Now the end of the world is much more advance than a tornado, so ill just teach how to sleep through a tornado for all you newbies. Now i am aware that all of you are fairly new to sleeping so ill make sure to explain with much detail.
Step 1: Shed all garment and/or clothing and change into what are known as "pajamas" or comfy sleep clothes.
2: You will need to acquire a very large and comfortable blanket.
3: Insert yourself into the bed, above one sheet but below the blanket and/or comforter.
4. Wrap yourself up in the blanket like a cocoon, or a burrito, which ever is easier for you to visualize.
5. As soon as you are as snug as bug in a rug you'll have free one arm from your burrito cocoon and turn off the lights.
6. Close your eyes
7. Stop thinking about sleep and instead simply fall asleep.
8. While you are sleeping you will need to toss and turn and rip off all the sheets off your bed like i do.
9. When you wake up it should look like a tornado hit your bed while you were sleeping, but its okay because you slept through it and are are now awake and feeling refreshed. Congratulations, you have passed basic training, it was an honor teaching you.

Buckets and Buckets - Rachel Bragg

Bucket List for High School:
- Get enough scholarships to have my undergrad completely paid for. This could be a lot to ask, but I just don't want my parents to have to pay for my education, because it is outrageously overpriced.
- Enjoy my senior year. That is not very specific, but I don't want the stress of college decisions ruin it for me.
- Drive myself places. I should already be able to do this, but sadly I have not practiced enough to take my test yet, which is mostly my fault.

Bucket List for College:
- Enjoy learning. I want to look forward to school, and to actually be excited to learn things I will use in whatever profession I end up in.
- Make some friends. I want to have a solid group of friends that can hold me accountable and keep me focused in college while still doing dumb shit with me sometimes.
- Figure out what I want to do with my life. I think I've decide to do something in the health industry, maybe a PA, but maybe not. I just want to figure that out sooner rather than later.
- Get into a good graduate school. No matter what I end up doing, I'm pretty sure I'll go to grad school.

Bucket List for Life:
- Find meeeeeeee somebody to loveeeeee. Actually started singing that song when I thought of this one. But seriously, I want to find someone that brings me joy, not just happiness. Yes, there is a difference.
- Get a dog. I kinda want a French bulldog, or any small dog, maybe even a big dog. Who knows, just a dog.
- Hopefully stay friends with my best friend, because I want to have that sort of movie friendship where you are literally friends forever. That was cheesy I'm sorry, but still true.

Hooray for Hollywood Morgan Lakofka

In case link doesn't work...
How to be Single was a great chick flick that was uplifting for people without love in their life. Even if you have a boyfriend, you would still enjoy it. I saw it Valentine's weekend so it was pretty packed, and every teen girl there seemed to be satisfied with it.  It jumped at the love story cliché but did it in multiple different intertwining stories that really tied together well. It was very funny too, Rebel Wilson was very entertaining. The comedy in it made it different from the usual sappy romance stories like the Nicholas sparks movies. (The vow, the notebook, the longest ride, etc.) It had a feminist angle that was subtle until the end but would've been better to see more of it throughout since the movie title was “How to be Single.” All of the actors were well casted and portrayed their roles well. I would give it 3.5 stars, it was pretty good but not great. 

Assignment 19: plastics Tyler Rosenkrantz

Vince Dimartino, one of the best trumpet players in the world once told me that i should stay involved in music, take every opportunity that i have to be in music, and to cherish every moment of it and i believe that i have done just so. From playing in musicals, to wind ensemble, jazz band, steel band, and tons and tons of extracurricular bands i think i have taken every musical opportunity that been presented to me as well as seeking others out; and i have loved every moment of it. I love playing my trumpet, and the excellent teachers i have had, and the wonderful experiences and family and people that have come from it.

horray for hollywood - Kyle W

i could not find the page my review went to if i even reviewed it right so instead i wrote on rotten tomato and then copied my entire review as seen below:

Dead pool was an absolutely amazing movie. It was most definitely an R rated movie but really is there any other way to do a dead pool movie? Well without ruining dead pool that is. This is not a movie for kids but it is a must see movie for all other human beings and animal beings alike. Especially for unicorns. Acting as dead pool Ryan Reynolds did an amazing job of portraying him as we all know and love. His wit and humor throughout the movie in all scenes is just like you would imagine from the comic books. Even in the action scenes and the serious scenes Ryan Reynolds brings a sort of comic relief unlike any other super hero or actor in general in any other movie. I have no complaints for this movie other than the fact that it could have been longer. It was rather short by today’s standards but otherwise it was phenomenal.

Assignment #18 Buckets and Buckets Kyree Carpenter

1. Before I finish high school, my main goal is to get accepted into my dream college (MIT). Even though it seems beyond my reach, I have faith hat if I keep up my good work and get myself ready for the ACT and SAT, I would say that I'm on the right path,

2. Before I finish college, I hope to join a fraternity and meet my lifelong friends, but also to do well in college and avoid becoming consumed into the social aspect of it. Truthfully, high school is boring, I think I am ready to accept individualism and become an adult, even though it seems scary.

3. Before I pass away, my goal is to visit Norway or Sweden. Not really sure why I want to, but the scenery and culture really appeals to me. While I am there, I would love to go skiing, mountain climbing, kayaking, etc. These all seem really fun, and it would be even better to do them on a retreat in Sweden.

Horray For Hollywood - Rachel Bragg

Over the break, I watched Pitch Perfect and Pitch Perfect 2. Not for the first time of course, but being two of my favorite movies, it was nice to watch them again. I'm being completely honest when I say that the second movie did not disappoint. Everyone always says the second movie is never as good but I would beg to differ. With the addition of a new Bella, Emily aka Hailee Seinfeld, and appearances from of some Green Bay Packers players, Pentatonix, and even Snoop Dogg, it was a great way to follow up the first. The writers also managed to bring back a couple things such as the riff-off, the great song choices, all of the original Bellas, and the sketchy/almost rude humor. I was rather impressed with the movie as a whole. I also feel the need to mention my girl Anna Kendrick, who did amazing as always.
Speaking of, although I didn't watch Into the Woods over the break, I listened to the soundtrack quite a lot. I would recommend both to anyone, given they like musicals. Anna Kendrick, James Corden, Chris Pine, Meryl Street, and others, although a strange mixture of actors, all did a great job with this musical.

Hooray for Hollywood- Emily Spivey

Nick Cassavetes. 
Most people don't know who this guys is. I don't know much about him but I do know that he is an awesome director. One of my favorite movies, "The Notebook", was directed by him. He also directed a movie that I recently watched called "The Other Woman". 
After watching this movie I saw some connections between the two movies and the style of them. 
He likes to use the sun as his lighting. A good portion of both movies take place outside surrounded by either bright green trees or bright yellow taxis. Even though these two movies occur in different settings he films them the same way. 
He also likes to have bright whites throughout the scenes which help to reflect that natural light. 
Even though humor is involved with the script, Cassavetes likes to make the jokes witty and sarcastic. Sometimes, he likes to have something funny happening in the background of a scene and just doesn't point it out. 
He has directed many great movies, including two of my favorites. 

buckets and buckets - Kyle W

1. Before the end of high school I want to travel to a state I haven’t been to before. In my life I haven’t really traveled much other that going to Kings Island, Gatlinburg, and the Carolinas so before I leave high school I would like to travel to some state out west.
2. Before the end of College I want to do exciting things like going skydiving and bungee jumping and snowboard and such. I’m really not a fan of heights but I’d still like to give these things a try because who knows? They could be fun.

3. Before the end of life I want to get a dog and ill name him toast. He has to be a brown dog though because if I got a white dog named toast that would make no sense because toast is not white. Its brown! I would also like to get a cat because cats are cute and fluffy.

Assignment 18: Tyler Rosenkrantz

1. I love music and i plan to do it the rest of my life. One of the most prestigious music awards is Governors School for the Arts. That being said, the number one item on my high school bucket list is to make and participate in the Governor's School for The Arts.
2. I have already started making tons of connections in the music world with important people, and by the time i finish college i would like to be playing professional gigs.
3. Andddd being the money bags that i am by the time i finish living i would like to make atleast 1 million dollars

Assignment 17: Hooray for Hollywood Tyler Rosenkrantz

I went to see Kung fu Panda 3 and this is the review i left on rotten tomatoes.

Assignment #17 Horray for Hollywood Kyree Carpenter

A Director who has always been prevalent throughout my lifetime, and has supplied me with tons of childhood movies would be Tim Burton. Two movies that are especially interesting in my opinion would be Edward Scissorhands and Batman Returns.

The plot development for each movie is definitely satisfactory, but the overall setting for each looked similar. Both movies retained a variety of vibrant colors, and the whole background was composed of varying shapes and patterns. Something I have noticed in both movies is the implementation of stripes, coexisting with repetition of black and white colors. This motif helps develop a feeling of darkness, but a sort of beautiful darkness, as in perhaps there is wonderful things hidden in the mysterious shades within many shots of each movie. Burton also creates suspense, but in a different way. He often surprises the audience with something that was completely unexpected, on top of the typical structure of a story. These are comparisons that I have drawn from Tim Burton these movies, and all in all attribute to his prestige as a director.

Bucket List- Emily Spivey

Whenever I think of a bucket list i see a little kid carrying around a sand bucket full of hopes and dreams in one hand and a shovel in the other. So I thought, why not stick with that idea and create the first item on my bucket list?
Before I graduate high school I want to build a REAL sandcastle. Not one of those tiny, one story sand castles that will blow over with a gush of wind. I want a sand castle with at least three stories and a moat surrounding the whole thing. I know, I know, I have BIG plans. 
Before I graduate college I want to study abroad. I know everyone says that they want to but it has always been a dream of mine. I've been out of the country twice in my life but I was never in those countries long enough to absorb the culture. I want to experience how people all around the world live. 
Before I graduate life (I guess you could say lol) I want to have had a family and had lived in a craftsman style home with a big backyard and a porch. I have always dreamed of having kids running around outside and having big cookouts with the neighbors. Growing up I was outside every single night and that is exactly what I want my kids to experience. It's the American Dream.  

how to - Kyle W

how to waste time:
it is really rather easy to waste time. One hour, two, a whole day. Whatever you want to waste is possible with the help of one easily accessible tool. Netflix. Using Netflix you can waste an entire day with only a few simple steps.
Step 1: gather enough pillows and blankets to make a spot on your couch comfortable enough to stay in for a good length of time.
Step 2: gather food from your kitchen so you can remain in your seat for the entirety of your Netflix session.
Step 3: get onto Netflix and browse through the selections until you have found one that you think you will enjoy.
Step 4: watch the show you have picked out
Advise: simply let the next episode play over and over for all the time you have and why get up for any reason except to use the bathroom?

Following these simple steps you can waste as much time as you want and then some on accident as well.

Plastics- Emily Spivey

   Be nice and give thanks. 
   This simple little tip has shaped my life. People always say that "being nice is the right thing to do" or "act right and behave". When you really think about it, you don't have a reason to be mean. We might not  like how our lives are playing out or having to wake up and go to school for seven hours but, how bad can it be? We live in a first-world country where we have food, clean water, and an obtainable education. Now, I am in no way saying that you can't ever be mad but you should never be ungrateful for the things you have.
   I have been told that even if you are having a terrible day you shouldn't ruin other's. You also shouldn't judge others. It is evident that everyone has bad days and you never know what someone else is going through. Sometimes a little smile can brighten someone's day. 
   Be nice to others. You never know what you could receive in return. 

how to confuse people through texting -catherine van tatenhove

Personally, I hate texting. Whether they are just a friend or something more I hate trying to keep a conversation going, and I find most people suck at texting just as much or more than I do. Conversations turn into mundane painful wastes of time demonstrated by the following:
me: hey
bob: what's up
me: nothing
bob: cool
Ok, this is hyperbolic, but to me it feels like I am being suffocated by one word meaningless replies until I just stop relying. Overtime I've just decided that if someone thinks they are going to get another "normal" conversation out of me, they are wrong. So, here is how to confuse people solely through the median of texting, and maybe keep you sane in the process.
me: hey
bob: what's up
me: bob
bob: yes..?
me: the chair bob
bob: what
me: the chair bob the chair
bob: what....
bob: the chair?
bob: um, are you ok?
me: oh my god stop yelling at me
me: what's wrong with you
bob: I am so confused...
me: you're the worst
bob: okay? what did I even do?
me: also, guess what.
bob: what
me: I am 1000% kidding
bob: about what
me: hey
bob: ur kidding me
me: what's up

Lose Yourself by Brooks Spears

Someone once asked me to describe some advice that stuck with me. I thought about it for a while and I came to the conclusion that the most strengthening advice I've ever received is to be yourself. I know it sounds, and is, corny, but through its repetition it has truly stuck with me. You've got to be yourself instead of someone else because only you are you and it can be exhausting pretending to be a false persona. Everyone'll call you a phony too, so that's terrible as well. This advice has made me be more who I am and less what others expect of me. It's a brilliant way to learn more about yourself and what you're capable of. It's changed my entire outlook on living.

HOW TO: Obsess over 1D (sorry Logsdon)

Yes, all of my blog posts revolve around One Direction. Mainly because that's all my life revolves around, so. Here we go!

FIRST THING'S FIRST! Start by learning their names, including Zayn.

Then, like everyone else in this fandom, proceed with the silent rule of initiation: watch "one direction funny moments" on YouTube for roughly 72310 hours straight.

It is vital that you learn all facts that involve the boys. Birthdays, birth places, family members, childhood, fears, personality traits, etc. All of this is basic knowledge. By the time you become a full time fan, you'll be more excited to celebrate THEIR birthdays rather than your own!

Of course, you must know the music. Knowing the lyrics to every single song is a MUST. Bonus points if you have the live version of songs memorized as well. Lyric changes (Gotta Be You lyric changes from their Up All Night tour in 2012 are a classic), alternate versions (raggae Last First Kiss), note changes (Liam and Harry in Fireproof and Through The Dark I sWEAR I ALMOST LAID AN EGG WHEN I FIRST HEARD THOSE NOTE CHANGES ALSKFHSJDJJAKDKDJFKZURUZUFJZBWJKZKDLZBDJZJDKZKDZ), and limited edition songs like Another World, Magic, I Shoulda Kissed You, Na Na Na, Truly Madly Deeply, and Irresistible.

You will want lots of merchandise, if your finances allow. The amount of 1D merchandise you own does not define how much of a fan you are.

And you can't forget social media! Follow the boys on Twitter and Instagram. Those are the places (and tumblr) where you will find vital information about the boys' current locations, recent activities, interviews, performances, everything you can think of. Thanks to social media over the summer, the fans made a project to promote their song, No Control (not released as a single), from their album titled FOUR. Thousands upon thousands of us were slamming radio stations across the world with requests to hear the song-- enough to make No Control an official single.

Follow those steps, and you'll be on your way to stanning (obsessing over) 1D like a pro.

How to... -Emily Spivey

   Today I am going to teach you how to be the second best procrastinator on the planet. You can't be first because that spot is reserved for me. 
   First things first, when you get an assignment, forget about it. Instead of thinking about your work, think about a milkshake or a large, greasy order of fries from McDonald's. Now, when your teacher reminds you about it every single day it might be hard but if you want to be as good as I am, it's a requirement.  
   Next thing, find ANYTHING to keep yourself busy. This includes starting Grey's Anatomy (an 11 season series) on Netflix and turning it on anytime you even think about doing your assignment. This tip really does the trick. It takes your mind completely off your work. 
   And last but not least, if you want to pass your class or do somewhat well on your assignment, you can either do it the night before it is due (*cough* *cough* my blog posts) OR you could even do it the hour before it is due in another class (**can have a bad outcome**). 
Just follow these rules if you want to be one of the best procrastinators. 

Assignment 19: Elana Ehl

After 3 years of trying to mend a relationship with my dad that was never really there to begin with and being told this advice over and over by multiple people it has finally stuck with me. People can't be forced to change, only you can change yourself. I struggled for a long time because I brushed this advice aside thinking that it was just my parents trying to make me feel better in a hopeless situation: trying to compromise with my dad so we could get along.

I would come home all the time from visiting him upset because he wasn't changing and making an effort to get along with me, while I test my magnanimous personality for the sake of trying to be civil. As many people already know it's hard to work through issues if one side is doing all the changing while the other one puts no effort forward to resolve the issue.

Now that I fully understand and accept that people can't be forced to change I have a bit of an easier time around my dad now because I no longer carry the burden of trying to change something that cannot be changed. I won't lie and say that accepting this advice has changed my relationship with my dad for the better because it hasn't. But it has made it easier to not be around him knowing that I have done all I can do to have a good relationship.

plastics -catherine van tatenhove

"Don't love something that doesn't love you back." This, spoken by a man who insists I see truth in every clique that's ever been scoffed at. This same man, being my dad believes that hidden in these dismissed trite phrases is no less than where the keys to every lock, the answer to every problem, and the advice for every situation lies. Because of this I find myself rolling my eyes and, well, ignoring the life advice my dad gives me. However, recent events lead me to the aforementioned quote. "Don't love an object that doesn't love you back." This resonated with me because I have heard over and over that it's people that matter not objects. We all know this. We all try to keep this in mind when finding ourselves left disappointed and empty when something else in our life gives way. It's inevitable. But, it doesn't have to be devastating. Surrounding yourself with people who are positive, different, and loving individuals is an essential foundation. However, truthfully, even these people will fail you. But, when you love an object that can't love you back you don't own it. It owns you. So, my dad's probably right when he offers up advice like, "Your passion will find you," and, "Live a life so you never have to work a day in your life." And, I think I just might start listening.

How to Make Irony-20 Evan Hays

How to make a How to List:

Step One: Select a topic, make sure its either simple enough that a person a should be able to do it on their own, or make sure that its a topic so obscure that the only people reading your post will already know how to do it.

Step Two: Begin with a simple introduction on the uses of the product, then make sure to move into the actual steps with some really intelligent phrase like "without further ado"

Step Three: "Step 1- Followed by a description of the first preliminary steps"

Step Four: "Step 2- Put every single middle step into this space even if it makes it incoherent and difficult to follow, nobody likes lists of more than 3 steps"

Step Five: Concluding steps, make sure you finish with well wishes, something like, "now go have a grand time with your particle accelerator..."

19-Evan Hays

"Think lightly of yourself, and deeply of the world"
-Miyamoto Musashi

Miyamoto Musashi died at 63 years old from stomach cancer. He had survived over 50 duels, 4 major battles in two wars, and learned the way of the sword completely on his own, developing even a two sword technique that has never been mastered since. He was a warrior, poet, and artist. He wrote a book called "The Book of Five Rings" in which he boils all things down into 5 distinct elements. He was bullied as a child, and though very bright, he seldom spoke. He killed a man when he was 13, beating a renowned swordsman wielding a katana with a piece of bamboo.

I used to think I was hot shit. I used to believe I was beyond all death. I used to think within me lived un-enumerated power that I could control. I used to. But the more I realize the strength of myself as one man, the more I realize it is merely a product of a vast world. One which can give power and take away significance. That is why I chose this quote.

Assignment 18-Bucket List (Evan Hays)

Marcus Aurelius once said that a man is nothing more than shadows and dust, and that all we can do when death approaches us is smile back toward him as a friend. This course of thought evidently leads most people to put a premium on some experiences, as if they wish to be remembered for specific experiences. Many call this a "bucket list", something that I find futile and redundant. My bucket list only has one objective, "learn". This is because I think that beyond all reasonable doubt, a mans life can be measured not by what he does or does not do, but what he takes away from his experiences. A conversation with god would be of slim worth if its just small talk. My purpose in life, the one I've given to myself at least, is to catalog any and all experience, analyze it, use it. Become the knowledge I know, live to learn. That's why, in effect, everything you can do is on my bucket list, regardless. I want to climb mountains as well as be tortured, for the sake of those things specifically. One day I will die, I want to know why.

How to....- Braeden Bowen

When I started messing around with photography, I used what I had available to me: my iPhone. Still today, some of my best photos were taken on it, despite the fact that I now regularly use a Nikon. The truth is, you don't really need a fancy, $800 billion camera to take interesting and visually appealing photos. You can create your own photographic masterpiece with the smartphone (or dumbphone, whichever) that's already in your pocket.

First, you have to know a couple of things about photography. Most of your pictures will have a subject, that is, one thing in focus and everything else out of focus. Depending on your phone type, you might be able to adjust the focus (called aperture) and blur everything but your main subject. The second most important part of photography is abiding by the rule of thirds. the rule of thirds says that your main subject should not be in the center or edge of the photo, but in between that, about a third of the picture in (hence the rule of thirds).

In your phone's camera settings, turn on the grid, as it will help you line up with the rule of thirds. When you take your picture, line up the main subject on one of the lines; this will keep the picture interesting and visually appealing.

Once your main subject is lined up, adjust the focus so that the subject is as clear as possible and everything else is as blurry as possible. These pictures I took (one with my phone and one with my Nikon) illustrate both the rule of thirds and the low-aperture looks fairly well.

When you are taking your photos, don't be afraid to branch out (haha, because I included a picture of a branch). Sometimes, completely normal objects, like this candle, can be just as interesting as a professional photo of the Rocky Mountains or something.

Mess around with the positioning of your camera. If your camera is on the side of your phone (as with the iPhone), try rotating it so that the camera is higher or lower. If the camera is in the middle of the phone (as it is with most HTCs and Nokias), try turning it upside down to get the lens more level with your subject.

Even without an expensive, bulky camera, it really is easy to make your own art with your phone. Seriously! Try it sometime and see, you might be surprised with how it turns out.

How to make someone laugh without saying anything - Spencer Parsons

First, you must never make eye contact with the person you are trying to make laugh. This is a dead give away at what you are trying to do, and they will not be as amused because they know you are trying too hard.
step 1- find someone who is in a jolly mood and someone who you also want to make laugh. Laughing is actually good for you, so this is a useful tutorial.
step 2- realize that you dont have to say anything. There are three schools of thought. You can make a funny face, do a funny action, or my personal favorite, do nothing at all. The last one is pretty difficult.
step 3- when making a funny face its funniest when you look at the ground. If you know someone is looking at you just stare at the floor or at the wall, and cross your eyes while you do something weird with your mouth. This never fails because its just so random.
step 4- when doing a funny action, pick something not distracting to anyone other than the person you want to make laugh. A good idea is to spin around in your chair, or jump and kick the air. These two seem to work well for me.
step 5- Do nothing at all. Stare blankly into space with wide eyes and just dont move. If you can hold it long enough without cracking, someones gonna giggle.

plastics - Spencer Parsons

The piece of advice that has stuck with me most in my 17 years is something my grandfather told me when I was young. " Make people happy." This is something so simple that i carry with me in my daily life. It doesnt matter how you make people happy, everybody has different strategies. I tend to try and please others by making them laugh. Man others will go the route of saying something nice or helping someone out who needs help. all of these work, but if you just think, " I'm gonna make someone happy today," you yourself will become happier. I honestly feel good trying to make people happy especially if i succeed. If i fail, its kinda awkward, but i try with them the next day. Also, I dont just look for people who seem sad and try to please them. It could be any person in any situation. I just try to make one person happy everyday by saying something funny about things going on at school or just saying something goofy that I know they will remember.
My grandfather also ives by this advice, but he has a different method. He compliments people. He gives them confidence and tells them that what they are doing is good and appreciated. I am not as good at this style, but people will become happy of they know that someone cares about what they are doing. This advice will always stick with me because it is effective and awesome.

Buckets and Buckets - Spencer Parsons

High school- before i finish high school my number one item on my bucket list is to play a gig for over 1000 people. Of course this will happen with my band, and I could see this as a real possibility. We have played many gigs especially so far in 2016 but the most would be about 250 people. It would count if we were opening for a big band at some kind of music auditorium, but this would be so awesome. I would be nervous, but if I can make this happen, I will have officially achieved what i want to achieve in my high school years.
College- By the end of college, I want to have attended a music festival in which Tame Impala and Gary Clark Jr. both perform. I have never been to a music festival, but that is definitely also on my list. I have to be more specific than that. I want to see ,y favorite band, Tame Impala and the always great, Gary Clark jr. at the same one. it doesn't matter to me what state or location, but this is a definite goal. I would want to see Tame Impala perform Eventually, and see Gary Clark Jr. perform a cover of Catfish Blue
Living- Before i get done living, I want to have done a lot of things. But, the number one item on my bucket list is to be the host of a talk show. i want to entertain tons of people with music and comedy, and have many special guest celebrities. This would be the life. I get to write jokes and make people laugh, and meet a ton of really cool people. That is what I want to do most in my life before I kick the bucket.

Assignment 20: How to... (Tyler Gorman)

I like to think I'm decently skilled at playing trumpet, so here's a how to on playing trumpet:
1. Holding the trumpet
To properly explain how to hold a trumpet it's easiest to explain each hand separately.
Right hand: Your right index, middle, and ring fingers go on top of the three valves, and your pinkie goes inside the ring on top of the lead pipe of the trumpet, and it doesn't really matter what you do with your thumb.
Left hand: Your left hand supports the weight of the trumpet. The thumb goes on inside the rung on top of the first valve slide, the index and middle fingers wrap around the third valve, the ring finger goes in the ring on top of the third valve slide, and the pinkie goes wherever you want.

2. Assembling the trumpet
Insert mouthpiece into lead pipe.

3. Playing the trumpet
To make a sound on the trumpet you have to buzz your lips, which for many is the most difficult part. To buzz your lips you must firm up the corners of your mouth, leaving only a small hole in the center of your lips through which air can still pass. Then you blow air out through your mouth, tightening and loosening your embouchure until you manage to get a buzzing sound. Now you just replicate that sound into a mouthpiece, varying it slightly for every single note you play. Simple as that!

Nolan's films by Brooks Spears

Christopher Nolan films

Comparing and contrasting Christopher Nolan films could be an extraordinary task. Even though he only has eight, all of his films have been several layers deep. They are all varying works of art even though some come up shorter than others. However, two films which bring a particular challenge and gravity when compared are Memento and The Dark Knight.

These two films on the surface seem incredibly complex and completely uncorrelated. While Memento is a psychological telling of a man with short term memory less, told in a unique manner; the Dark Knight is a film based primarily around the relationship between a villain and a hero.

However, there are several similarities to both of these films as well. These films showcase Nolan's talents as a director through the storytelling. They both drive home how an interesting and engaging story can be told through various methods. The Dark Knight places a large focus on the antagonist of the film, the Joker, to be a foil to the main character, Batman, in an invigorating plot. Memento, though, takes an opposing approach by focusing almost exclusively on the protagonist and his journey to finding his wife's murderer despite his setbacks. Nolan takes full creative advantage of the protagonist's mental handicap, which plays amazingly well with the  story's pacing and narration.

Bucket Lists of Brooks Spears

Bucket Lists

High School

Before I finish high school, I want to do things. I bet there are several items on my high school bucket list that I will never achieve or even attempt to achieve, but something which takes precedence over all of my other items is making some money, particularly for something I created, like my artwork.


Before I finish college, there are also things I want to do. I want to still be alive for one, but another thing thing I want to do is start a small business, making money on the side for something I can do in my free time.


Before I inevitably die, I want to continue living. I also want to see some crazy technological advances for the future. Right now it seems that there are still plenty of things we could improve upon. I want to see things we can hardly even fathom currently, things that will completely blow our minds.

How to do a Crossover by Brooks Spears

Firstly, you must find a basketball, preferably a pumped-up ball that has plenty of bounce.
Secondly, you should grab the basketball and start dribbling it with either hand.
Then, after you have begun dribbling with some consistency, start dribbling with the other hand.
After that, practice dribbling the ball between both hands.
Now it's time to add some footwork.
Practice moving side to side using your legs, incorporating your arms and adding head fakes in conjunction with the ball's position.
Now try to add fluidity to your lateral movements, while also fluctuating speed and and lateral reach.
This part will take practice in getting a feel as to how it will affect your defender's movement.
Once you understand this and are capable of effectively altering your defender's position, try to either take a shot or quickly brush past your opponent when you have distanced yourself.
Congratulations, you have learned the art of a simple crossover.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

How to-Matthew Telfer

How to be the best lifeguard possible!
I lifeguarded this past summer and I loved every second of it. So here's what you need to know:
1. Become a certified lifeguard. All you have to do is put in 30 hours of in-class training and 5 hours of studying for a difficult test which you will barely pass!
2. Find a job. Make sure you find a job with the lowest pay possible. You will have to do the same amount of work as lifeguards at other pools but you will be making three dollars less an hour!
3. Look good on the job. No one wants to look at an out of shape lifeguard so make sure you look sexy!
4. Put on sunscreen. If you don't do it,  you'll learn the hard way!
5. Be a stickler. If you see a kid doing anything that looks relatively fun, blow your whistle. If a kid is coming to the pool to have fun, they are coming for the wrong reason!
6. The most important tip to becoming a lifeguard is finding a way to pass time. I'll be honest, lifeguarding is not the most exciting job in the world. For example, if you become bored up in the chair, look at your phone. If someone starts to drown in your area, chances are another lifeguard will jump in and save them!
Have fun lifeguarding!

Katie Demetriades Assignment 20: How to...

How to Paint your Nails

  • Nail polishes of your liking
  • Base/top coat (a $0.99 bottle from Walmart will do the trick)
  • Tissues/plastic bag
  • Nail polish remover
  • Cotton balls/q-tips
  • Radio/TV/phone
1. Get in the mood to paint your nails by going on YouTube and watching some nail tutorials. I personally enjoy cutepolish and simplynailogical the most.
2. Realize that you are NOWHERE near as skilled as any nail guru on YouTube.
3. Opt for a simple design, aka just painting your nails without any special design.
4. Gather your materials. Find a comfortable chair to sit in. You're going to be there for a looooong time.
5. Begin by laying the tissues/plastic bag down on a flat surface. This is so you don't ruin whatever furniture you're painting your nails on. Trust me, it's going to get pretty messy here in a few steps.
6. Apply the base coat to your nails. Or don't. It really doesn't matter.
7. CAREFULLY open the nail polish you're going to use. CAREFULLY apply it to your nails, making sure not to get any on your skin (a skill I have yet to master). Let this coat dry for a few minutes (too bad you won't).
8. Apply the second coat of nail polish. Again don't get any on your skin (and again, this is impossible). Let this coat dry for a few minutes (but you won't).
9. Believe that every thing is going well.
10. Move your hand 1/10 of a mm too close to a hard surface and completely destroy one of your nails.
11. Bang your head against the wall (shout out to Sia).
12. Remove all of the nail polish you slaved over for an hour or more.
13. Put your materials away before your mom yells at you.
14. Go get your nails done by a professional.
15. Tell everyone you did them yourself.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

How to... Elana Ehl

How to read a book in one day

**If you're being forced to read a boring book for school: first of all I'm so sorry, reading should be for enjoyment not punishment, second just skip straight to step 4.**

1) Go to the bookstore and browse the shelves for a book.

2) Take your time to choose a book you would sincerely like.
       a) if you don't know what you'd like ask a friend who likes reading what they would recommend.
       b) if you still don't know buy multiple books incase you can't get into one.

3) Buy the book.

4) Go to the store and buy snacks to sustain you while you read but won't make a mess.

5) Also get something(s) to drink while you read.
     * this is important because if you're forced to get up while reading because you are hungry you have the potential to get incredibly distracted with anything and everything that is going on that is not the book.

6) Go to a peaceful place you will be undisturbed. (I personally like the beach but seeing as we live in a land locked state I usually have to settle for next to a pool) Make sure that you will be comfortable in that place for a decently long time.

7) Put your phone in a place where you won't be tempted to get on it.
       a) if you want to listen to music put your phone on do not disturb.

8) Put your food and drink in an easily accessible place near where you plan to read. This is important so you don't have to leave to get the food (what we are trying to avoid by getting easy sucks in the first place).

9) Sit down, lay down, or get into what ever position is most comfortable to not move from.

10) Open the book to the last page and read ONLY THE VERY LAST SENTENCE. This will help keep you asking questions about how the book ends with that and, therefore, you will remain more engaged.

11) Flip to the first page and start the book.
   *A good tip is that if you are not engaged in the story within the first 50-75 pages put it down, there is no shame on not liking a book enough to finish it, and pick up a different one. If you don't have another book go back to step one and make sure to read step 2 sub-point b.
    **If you are reading for school and completely bored PUSH THROUGH THE PAIN it will end eventually.

12) Periodically munch on snacks and take sips of your drink until book is finished or you're out of food and drink.

13) Finish the book.

Assignment 21- Right Now- Lauren Spivey

   At this very moment someone is getting married, having a baby, adopting a pet, buying a car,getting  a divorce, losing a loved one, getting in a car crash. Everyones life is different, you can't know what to expect. If you think about things out of this world, who knows, all of these things could be happening on a different planet. You're favorite celebrity could be eating a pizza right now.
  I think all the different possibilities that someone could be doing are fascinating. It's hard to fathom that while it may be 9 o'clock here, someone else is waking up for work and just starting their day. (It's 5 o'clock somewhere") Sometimes when I'm out in public I think about all the different possibilities of situations that people are in. Sometimes i like to make a game out of it by guessing things about people just by looking at them. I might see a man eating alone at a restaurant, there are numerous things that can go through your head when you think about his situation. He might be single enjoying a calm night out, he might have gotten stood up by his date, he could have been meeting with his mom and she's just late. He could work at a fast food restaurant, he might be a successful businessman, he might own his own company. He could have a cat named Garfield, or a fish named Nemo. The possibilities are endless and its mind-blowing to even sit and think about it because there are 7 billion people in this world and every one of them had a different day than the other person. Now everyones day might not have been as exciting as others but each situation shaped someones life one way or another.
  I know that my day was not the same as Kim Kardashian (thank god) and thats true for everyone. Celebrities are just people and have day to day lives, some considered abnormal and some not.

How to- Lauren Spivey

How to make the BEST chocolate chip cookies:
1. What you will need:
-8 tablespoons of salted butter
-½ cup white sugar 
-¼ cup packed light brown sugar
-1 teaspoon vanilla
-1 egg
-1½ cups all purpose flour 
-½ teaspoon baking soda
-¼ teaspoon salt 
-¾ cup chocolate chips
2. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.
3. First start by mixing all of the wet ingredients together. You need to make sure that you melt the butter until its warm and doesn't hold form anymore. Blend together until all one color.
4. Start adding all the dry ingredients. It may be hard to mix with a spatial so you can use your hands if you would prefer. Don't use a blender because then your cookies will be stiff.
5.Add the chocolate chips into the mixture
6. Spray your pan with non stick spray
7. Roll the dough into balls about the size of a quarter.
8. Bake for about 10 minutes.
9. Take them out of the oven and let them cool
10. Binge eat a whole batch of cookies. 

Assignment 19- Plastics- Lauren Spivey

  I'm a sucker for sentimental quotes because I love the different kinds of meanings they could contain. It's hard choosing just one but if I had to choose it would be "live the life you love, love the life you live."
   Everyone has probably heard that quote before, its pretty popular. All throughout my life my parents have taught me to love myself and do things that make me happy and this correlates with that. I've been told that I can do anything I set my mind to and it's a hard concept to grasp because in comes the self doubt and lack in confidence. The quote is really special though because if you look at it closely it has a deep meaning. Basically do whatever makes you happiest in the world because the world is a miserable place to live when you're unhappy. The second part is to accept everything as it comes at you. Your expectations might not go according to plan and thats okay, you have to accept it.
Forget about the hard times because a day where you are unhappy is a day wasted.
   The main thing that sticks with me is if you're not happy with your life then change it. You're in control over how you react to certain things and if the situation or relationship isn't benefiting you in any way then get rid of the relationship. Toxic people in your life can distract you from loving your life. I've had times when I've been unhappy and then I sit back and think that it's a waste of my time to be unhappy, Im hurting the other ones around me and I'm hurting myself so doing what makes you happy can cause a chain reaction and improve everyones lives.
  If you have dreams go for it. If you're passionate about something, do it. You can do anything you set your mind to and in the end it will make you happy.

Assignment 18- Buckets and Buckets- Lauren Spivey

  I don't tend to think about bucket lists too often mainly because I'm not sure what i want to do before I die. There are tons of possibilities and i could say the generic things like sky diving or traveling the world but everyone says that.
  High School bucket list: If i could choose one thing to do before I leave high school it would be to go to an actual party. Now my reasoning is not what some people would think. I've been to a few parties but I want to go somewhere that makes me uncomfortable just so that I can learn how to deal with a bad situation if I need too. People probably think I'm crazy for this but honestly you have no idea what kinds of situations you could end up in throughout life and I want to be prepared for whatever happens.
  College Bucket List: I am planning to go into the Marketing field when I can be employed. The main priority on my college list is to have a job set up for me before I leave college. I want to make a name for myself and impress people. I want to be successful on my own, not because anyone else set something up for me. The ability to have a job set up for you means that you did something right, you planned ahead and people were impressed with all the hard work you did. I think it would be awesome to be able to say that I am the Marketing Manager for a huge corporation like P&G.
  Life Bucket List: This last one is kind of cheesy and generic. I want to find the love of my life. Everyone says that and I agree. It would be awesome to be able to share life with someone and go through all kinds of experiences. Now usually finding the love of your life means that you may have children. I honestly don't know if I want kids. I'll probably have a whole different mindset by the time I'm old enough to actually support a family but I think it would be awesome to be successful in yourself and not have to worry about supporting a family and just worrying about you and your loved one.

Plastics-Matthew Telfer

The best life lesson I've ever received is to have a great work ethic. Work hard at whatever the task is in front of you whether it's at school, at a job or even in sports, it's always important to work hard. The most successful people in life are not necessarily the most talented at what they do, instead they are the hardest workers at what they do.  Kobe Bryant would wake up at 3 a.m. to train and at practice he would count until he made 400 shots. It payed off as he was an 18 time NBA All-Star.

Michael Jordan once said "I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying." Another life lesson I've learned is to give it your all with whatever you're doing. I'm so annoyed by people who say they don't try. "I didn't care about the test, so I didn't try on it", I don't understand why they just wouldn't work 100% and accept failure. Failure is how we grow and become better and stronger people. A person must first accept failure to become successful.

Assignment 18 Elana Ehl

High School Bucket List:
1. Get recruited to college for diving
2.  Go to Warped Tour
3. Finish my "too be read" list
College Bucket List:
1.  Work in a bookstore 
Life Bucket List:
1. Travel Europe 
1. Own a bookstore

I'm not the kind of person who has a bunch of long term goals that could be considered to go on a bucket list. Most aren't even fun but are things I need to get done like get a job. As you may see though thats my only bucket list goal on my before I finish college bucket list. That is because I see college as a four year period of my life that I am going to continue to be educated and make mistakes, it certainly isn't a time, in my opinion, to have unrealistic goals, especially if they are expensive. So i believe getting a job would be a good, grounding goal, more specifically in a bookstore because that is one of the few places I can walk into with any emotion going on a quickly be calmed. But to get into college I first need to get into college. My biggest dream right now would be to be recruited to a division one college for diving. I just can't explain how elated I would be if a college wanted me to compete athletically for them. Both traveling Europe and owning a bookstore are pretty even on the top of my overarching bucket list, hence why they are both number one. All of my life I have always wanted to visit other culture but have had to supplement the actual experience of a different culture with books about faraway places. One day I hope to visit and experience other cultures, especially Spain, and also be able to provide people with a sense of escape through books like I have always had.

Assignment 17 Elana Ehl

Recently I watched Into the Woods while I was babysitting and that sparked my want to watch Les Miserables for like the hundredth time. Each movie is directed by a different director but both movies are musicals that have been turned into movies with big movie stars instead of broadway stars, but though they share a commonality in music, they are drastically different.

Les Miserables is the darker of the two movies taking place during a time of great turmoil. Through out the entire movie the lighting is dim and the mood is kept quite serious with emotion evoking songs and a bit of death. It's beautiful music and its emotion evoking nature that captivated audiences everywhere is reflected in the movie receiving the Golden Globe for best motion picture

The movie with fewer awards to its name, Into the Woods, is a light hearted movie taking place after the "happily ever after" in fairytales such as Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, and Jack and the Bean Stock. Being much more giddy and funny than Les Miserables many people seemed to like it more, but in my opinion the satyrical nature of the musical took away from other things such as the cast's singing and wardrobe.

Hooray for Hollywood- Grae Chambers

One of my favorite movies of all time is Titanic. One of my least favorite movies of all time is Avatar PLEASE DONT ATTACK ME FOR THAT I APPRECIATE HOW COOL IT IS ITS JUST NOT MY PERSONAL CUP OF TEA. But, both of these movies were directed by James Cameron. Titanic is a fictional love story set during a true and significant historical event. It was also partly filmed in a pool which is pretty impressive. Avatar is science fiction and took over a decade to make. While avatar sends a good message, Titanic makes me cry and if a movie makes me cry i always appreciate it. Titanic is dramatic and juuust realistic enough to make you think that maybe one day you could meet a boy and fall in love in the course of 3 days. Those are the best kinds of movies in my mind.

How to: - Grae Chambers

How to study in an effective and not at all sad way
1) realize that its 11:59 on the night before the test
2) sigh
3) open your textbook to a random page and just stare at it. Don't read, just stare.
4) sigh again
5) open your textbook to the page that covers the information you're supposed to know
6) just stare at it. Don't read, just stare.
7) sigh again
8) pretend to read the pages for 10 minutes
9) shut the book and fall asleep on top of it
10) wake up on the morning of the test
11) sigh
12) heres where you actually start studying
13) ACTUALLY read the pages you're supposed to know
14) go over the notes you took in class
15) pray to whatever god you believe in
16) proceed to fail the test

I hope this was helpful as I know its important to have strong studying skills in the academy

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

How to... - Elle Ogden

How to love a dog

Step 1: just pet the dog, you'll fall in love.
Now for most people, that would be the only step, but if you need a little more, here ya go.
Step 2: Come home. This step is easy. Just walk through the door and you'll be greeted with so much happiness, you can't help but smile. Dogs are ALWAYS happy to see you, no matter what.
Step 3: Sit on the couch. Again, an easy step, but no need to grab a blanket. Dogs are excellent heaters, especially in the winter. Some dogs will even sit on top of you. What's not to love about a 60 lb lap dog?
Step 4: Ever want to go for a walk, but don't want to go alone? Have no fear, dogs will again, ALWAYS want to go with you, even if it's just to get the mail. So I guess this step is go for a walk, and take your furry friend with you. They'll provide the best company known to man.
Step 5: Talk to the dog. You may feel stupid at first, but everyone has that baby voice they use for dogs. There's nothing cuter than seeing their ears perk up at the sound of your voice.
Step 6: Eat. Again, easy, but you'll never eat alone. Dogs ALWAYS want to share a meal with you. They would just rather it be made out of your food, and not theirs.

I could go on and on, but honestly, if you don't love dogs after these then you aren't human. I mean they're called man's best friend for a reason.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

How to... -Hope Reed

How to binge watch Netflix shows:

1. Make sure you have a good supply of food near where you want to settle down and watch for hours of TV straight. I recommend a huge bowl of popcorn and a big glass of water.
2. Grab a bunch of blankets and pillows and get in the most comfortable position; you'll be there for hours on hours.
3. Take the remote and keep it always in sight.
4. Turn on the TV and click on your favorite show. Grey's Anatomy is my personal favorite.
5. Watch for hours. You don't even have to press anything if you keep watching the same show, because Netflix continues on to the next episode without you even clicking on the next one! How kind.
6. Fall asleep while watching your 509th episode and wake up in the middle of the night when the volume is blasting.
7. Turn it off and go back to sleep.
8. Wake up in the morning, try to figure out where the heck you actually ended in the season, find which one you actually remember and repeat steps 1-7 again with a few snack and nap breaks between. You will definitely feel like a true American by the end of this.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Assignment 20: HOW TO DECORATE CHRISTMAS COOKIES- Jordan Strange

'tis the season. Christmas is just around the corner and you have 50 extended family members coming over and you have nothing ready. BUT maybe you could at least have Christmas cookies ready.

1. First, you need to decide what types of cookies you're going to make. Usually, people just stick with the classic Sugar cookie. But, if you want more of a variety, you can make anything from snicker doodles to peanut butter to fun-fetti to original chocolate chip cookies. Whatever you want. The best and easiest cookies to decorate are sugar. So I recommend those 

2.  Make the cookies. If you want to make them from scratch, I recommend this recipe:

If you don't have the time or the cooking abilities, I suggest the Pillsbury pre-packaged cookie dough roll. 

3. Roll out your cookie dough. Despite which route you take, you'll have to roll out your dough. This usually requires about a cup of flour to eliminate any stickiness and a CLEAN counter-top.  

4. After you have your dough rolled out (it should be 1/4 to 1/2 of an inch thick), you can make shapes! You can purchase a pack of cookie-cutters anywhere. Or if you're artistic, make the shapes yourself! All you need is a knife! You can do anything from Santa to Christmas trees to elves to snowballs (my personal favorite). Have fun! 

5. BAKE THE COOKIES!! Depending on which way you made your cookies, time may differ. 

Tip: Don't burn the cookies. Your family will then be sad and they will probably starve and leave. 


For this, you'll need lots of different colors of icing. You can buy tubs of white icing and dye smaller portions different colors. You can also buy small tubes of icing to be able to write on or outline your cookies. Also, SPRINKLES! You can buy different varieties of sprinkles for people to completely cover their cookies with. Sprinkles are always lots of fun. I highly recommend lots of these. 

7. After decorating, YOU EAT! How fun. 

Or, a fun alternative, you put lots of your nicely decorated cookies together on platters or in smaller bags and you deliver them to a nursing home or the Salvation Army, or a homeless shelter. Give your cookies away to people who really could use a little bit of Christmas cheer. It's really fun. And you end up with a happy heart. 


Friday, February 12, 2016

Assignment 19: Jordan Strange

There's so many wise people in my life. And the advice they often give is not advice I usually forget. In my life, the greatest advice stimulates greatest change.

One of the best pieces of advice I ever received was from a Pastor. His name is Carl Lentz. I've never actually met him or anything, but his sermons are filled with so much wisdom. This piece of advice from him to his church was one that stuck.

"The biggest indicator of how much influence Jesus has in your life is how well you love people." 

I have a passion for people. I appreciate people in my life and what they've done. I appreciate Jesus, too. There's so much that I learned from this. Because in order to love people, we have to know who IS love. Jesus IS love. Jesus also brings the most joy to life. And the reason it's so easy to love people is because Jesus loves everyone. And as Christians, we are called to love, and more importantly, to love like Jesus. And to love like Jesus is to love every single person despite their imperfections, their beliefs, or their actions. 

The only way we can love unconditionally, without restraints, is if we know Jesus. So, we just gotta keep loving everyone and living life to the fullest. The best life is one filled with love and Jesus. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

How to Avoid Your Responsibilities --Lucy Whitman Sandmeyer

How to Avoid Your Responsibilities

To begin, you have to get some responsibilities. This is generally not very hard. Okay so now that you’re overwhelmed with the crushing amount of things to do, you can start the process. This is easier for some than others so I will make this interactive. Start wherever you want:

a.     You are a good sleeper. Stress makes you sleep. Sickness makes you sleep. Too much sleep makes you sleep. Literally everything makes you sleep. See: 2a
b.     Stress gets you wired. You don’t actually do anything but you can’t fall asleep. EVER. See: 3a
c.     Stress motivates you to get stuff done. See: 5b
a.     Just succumb. Sleep for hours. Be prepared for frantic phone calls from collaborators and voicemails ranging from stressed to seriously pissed. To deal with this, see: 2b
b.     Just ignore it. Seriously, life pales in comparison to living the dream (-Bo Burnham).  Now, you’re good. See: 5a
a.     Here your options are practically unlimited (except, of course, to sleep) so you are going to have bear with me. To learn about your options at home, see: 3b. To learn about your options outside of your house, see: 4a
b.     With the modern age of technology, a lot can be done at home. See 3c if you want to avoid the intense black hole of the interweb. If not, activities vary from extreme binge watching of crappy TV shows, extreme binge watching of really good TV shows, extreme binge watching of YouTube videos, extreme gaming, extreme podcasting, watching actual TV if that’s the kind of person you are, endless scrolling through various social media websites, taking the perfect selfie, finding the perfect background for your phone/computer/tablet, listening to a lot of music then spending all your money buying it, playing around with different settings on every device you own just to switch things up, talking to strangers on websites that the world would be better without, texting four to eight people at the same time in different conversations, reading old text messages, and everything in between. Now, see: 5a
c.     While many things in your house are less infinite than technology, you can still kill time in creative ways. Lying on your bed for hours is a good start to complete and utter time wasting. You can clean your room, learn how to fold a fitted sheet, vacuum, read all the books you read as a child again while avoiding all the ones that you actually should read, rearrange your room, cook everything in your kitchen one at a time, fluff a lot of pillows, organize your closet, organize your school supplies (this is great for when you want to convince yourself you’re being productive), slide around the floors in socks, bake, color, and paint your room. Also, literally everything else. See: 5a
a.     This continues to be based on many factors. If you live in a city see: 4b. If you live in the middle of nowhere/can’t get a ride ever see: 4c
b.     In a city the best thing to do is go out to eat. Of course (hahahahahaha pun), this tactic can only last a few trips before you become totally broke, but until then, enjoy. After that, you can visit a huge amount of places. The mall is good unless you hate 12 year olds. Various athletic endeavors are possible. You’ve got the basic gym with cardio and specific machines but then you can look into unique forms like kick boxing, rock climbing/bouldering, martial arts, various water sports like polo, yoga/Pilates, etc. Beyond that, just walking places and following your nose is a great way to not do anything but learn to appreciate your place of residence more! Now, see: 5a
c.     Generally, there are a couple of stores to frequent in small places, so become familiar with those. Ambling about is great, especially when you don’t really know much about your surroundings. Exercise is pretty good if you’re willing. Be warned: the more effort you put into things, the more you may be willing to deal with your responsibilities I’m trying to help you avoid. After you’re done with one or more of these, see:  5a
a.     You did it! If these activities failed you, get creative. Maybe write a blog about how to avoid your responsibilities. It’s working for me right now. Depending on how pressing everything you have to do is, now is a really good time to reevaluate and see if you should start the process all over again. See: a physical stack of the work you have to complete. Then have a crisis.

b.     Seriously, why are you even here? If your motivation becomes a problem, see: a therapist.