Sunday, September 20, 2015

A World in Pictures: WW2

This picture was taken at the end of World War II. The man is an American sailor kissing his girlfriend when he arrived back home. It represents the homecoming of the troops and the celebration across America. 
If you ask anyone in America if they have seen the picture of a man kissing a woman in the middle of time square, they will probably say yes. It is such an iconic symbol and a "sigh of relief" to America. The troops were so excited to get home and America wanted to celebrate. This represents a new beginning in America.   This picture represented a sign of comfort for all of America. 
The couple in the picture are happy and so is everyone else around them. Everyone has a huge smile on their face. Nothing can bring down their amazing moods and patriotism towards America. This picture makes me feel happy for them. It brightens the mood. 

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