Saturday, September 12, 2015

Katie Demetriades Assignment 3: Come to the dark side, Luke.

Absolute good and absolute evil? Both are easily found in the fictional world, but there are only a handful of examples from the real world. But besides the few Ghandis and Adolf Hitlers of the world history, absolute good and absolute evil don't exist in the average population. Good and evil falls more in line with that gray area, where some good people can be bad and some bad people can be good.

Just take a look at attitudes and behaviors of the people that surround us. I'm sure most of us are closer to absolute good than absolute evil. Personally, I fall somewhere in the middle. I am by no means a saint, but I'm not as evil as the devil either. I try to be nice (to most people) and treat everyone equally, but sometimes I'm not as nice as I should be. I can be judgmental of people I don't even know. Do I have any reason to make false accusations of that person? Absolutely not; it's just a part of human nature. We judge those that are out of the ordinary, whether it's how they look, how they talk, what they talk about, etc. That doesn't mean we're pure evil. The opposite is true if we're kindly judging someone, as in complimenting them. Giving someone a compliment doesn't mean your heart is made of gold.

Like I said, I think most people follow the path of good, but that doesn't mean we aren't capable of doing something bad. We're all allowed to make mistakes. There's not a person out there that can honestly say they've never made a mistake. And for those that are considered bad, like your fugitives, that doesn't mean they can't do something good. Some fugitives are able to turn their lives around and live a better existence. Yes, good and evil exist in the world, but that doesn't mean once you've been deemed good or bad, you are stuck being good or bad for the rest of eternity.

I consider good to be things that help yourself that don't hurt others. So doing your homework is good!!!! Taking your dog for a walk is good!!! Watching a football game is good!!! Evil things are done when someone is trying to get something they want by hurting someone else. Genocide is evil. Poaching animals is evil. Slavery is evil. Rape is evil. Within this spectrum, there are more things that can be considered good (because they can be simple tasks) than evil (they have to be pretty severe and have a lasting impact).

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