Sunday, September 13, 2015

Assignment 3: Good v Evil

There is no good and evil in your actions, only the reasoning behind it.

Say a waitress goes out of her way to serve a customer, provides exceptional service, acts hospitably, and pays for the customer's meal. Many would cite that as an exemplary act that should occur with almost every dining experience. However, if the waitress was aware that the customer was a relative of the restaurant owner and did so only to make herself look good for a promotion opportunity, the act would be considered selfish and evil.

The same could be considered with ISIS, Nazi, or other supporters of stereotyped despicable groups. While many of the leaders may be inherently evil, the supporters could be acting in a way as to portect what they love- family, freedom, and their country- from those they view as oppressors (Americans or otherwise).

People may be good, evil, or a gray area in between- however, that doesn't mean their actions will be good or bad, solely their intentions.

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