Sunday, September 6, 2015


Hi, friends. I'm gonna be honest and just say that I kinda hate technology. Although I'm your average teenager who's glued to their phone 24/7, I would love to live 20 years earlier where technology was somewhat foreign. This summer, I worked at a camp for 5 weeks, and they took your phones during the week to ensure you that you didn't have that as a distraction while we had campers. And while in Africa this summer, there was no service, limited internet, and really no need to have any technology except to take pictures. All of this to say that being away from technology was so incredibly freeing. And it helped me to focus so much more on the genuine relationships that I was forming with people that I met all summer long. While at camp, I wrote letters to all my friends and it was so. much. fun. Last year and a bunch this year, too, I've been writing letters to a bunch of my good friends that live far away, and close too. They love getting them. I love writing them. And it's just great. So I mean if I was born a lot earlier in a time where people didn't have phones to communicate, I would be so content. And if I had to show up at someone's house to ask them to hang out instead of just calling them or texting them, it would be totally chill. The way I see it is the more unplanned things are, the more spontaneous thrilling adventures. There's not much I love more than random, super last-minute, quality time with friends.

I'm not gonna lie, I love computers, phones, TV, Netflix, and most technology to an extent at times. I mean, it's convenient, super helpful, and you can do anything at any time, and you have most of the information you need right at your fingertips. And yes, that's great. But it's annoying. It's a struggle for me to put down my phone sometimes and I waste a lot of time on social media, but sadly, that's the way people are nowadays and it's hard to get that quality time with people. 

I think relationships back then compared to now would be so genuine. Technology has made for so many "fake" relationships, and people are just the worst with gossip and the things they say to people through technology. Back then to have a conversation, you'd have to see each other, face-to-face, all the time. I'm such a people-person and that just sounds so splendid to me.

Anyways, technology is fabulous, and it has its perks, but in the end, I'd take handwritten letters and spontaneous visits to friends' houses any day of the week over watching Netflix for hours or small-talk text conversation to pass the time. :) 

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