Sunday, September 13, 2015

Come to the Dark Side, Luke

I definitely believe that there is no set good or evil in the world because everyone has a different perspective on things. You might think it is horrible to walk by a homeless person without even acknowledging them, but to someone else that might be the normal because they are around so many homeless that they can't afford all the time to help out. But just because of a different attitude does not mean that the person with a social unacceptable view was born evil. My favorite book series the Mortal Instruments touches this topic through out the entire series. The main character, Clary, even states: "People aren't born good or bad. Maybe they're born with tendencies either way, but it's the way you live your life that matters. And the people you know."

If the only people you know believe that it is alright to be rude and insensitive then you are inherently going to act like similarly and believe it is the good thing to do. This causes a lot of grey area when talking about the black and white of good and evil in today's society. The public does try to set boundaries stating when bad turns to evil, but there will always be different opinions so there may never be a set good and evil.

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