Sunday, September 6, 2015

Technology-Elle Ogden

My childhood memories are full of pretend camping and pretend hikes through the jungle, which in reality was just a tree line at the edge of our property. I grew up in an small town where the streets were lined with old houses and children playing outside, which seems to be a foreign concept to most kids now a days. In fact, when babysitting, the mom usually asks that they stay inside, meaning we play video games and watch tv to pass the time.

I can't say that I don't spend my fair share of time using technology as I am on my phone and computer quite a bit. I would say that technology is very beneficial and has provided me with many opportunities and has indeed made my life a lot easier. I just can't imagine growing up as a young child and spending so much of my time behind a screen. But I guess that is just todays generation and I need to accept it and move on.

Though I don't agree with children relying on technology during the crucial ages of brain development, I do believe technology is very important. The most beneficial aspect of technology that I have experienced is probably communication. With my family and friends spread out all over the United States, technology has given us the ability to stay in touch. We went from phone calls to Skype/Facetime and emails to texts. If I want to see or speak to a friend or family member, I can do so in a matter of seconds. Something that my mother couldn't do when she was a teenager.

This past Christmas we had pondered over what to get my grandparents who live in Florida. With only a few days left, the perfect gift idea came to me. At the time they didn't have smartphones or a tablet, or any sort of portable technology. They had simple phones that called and a computer at their house which it is still questionable as to if they know exactly how to use it. So as my mom and I roamed the mall, I made a quick turn into the Apple store. The joke in our family then became that we were "bringing them into the 21st century" and we bought an iPad for them.

That day changed my life in an increasingly positive way. Even though they were hesitant to use their new form of foreign technology, they now love it, and they even decided to get smartphones. If I want to show them something, I can hit a button and they are instantly on my screen, I'm on theres and the 800 miles between us doesn't exist anymore. I also have weekly phone calls with them thanks to technology. I can share pictures and videos with them and update them on any aspect of my life, all with the push of a button.

Technology has made me closer to my family which is honestly priceless in my opinion. Face to face visits are much more valuable than seeing each other through a screen, but it's that screen that enhances our visits. They know everything going on in my life, and for that, I am truly grateful.

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