Sunday, September 6, 2015

iwrite-Matthew Telfer

My cellphone can be my best friend but it can also be my worst enemy. Unlike most teenagers, I don't feel like I'm addicted to my phone. I could go a day without it and not become insane. Yet I feel as though the negative effects of technology are more important than the positive ones in today's world.

Other than lowering my GPA, technology has never directly hurt me. As a society though it hurts us more than we give it credit for. According to a study conducted by the CDC, 9 people are killed everyday due to distracted driving. Another surprising statistic is the fact that 31% of people 18-64 reported that they had texted while driving in the last 30 days. We all make mistakes and no one is perfect. I text while I'm sitting at stoplights and a couple of times have texted while I'm driving. It's a habit I need to drop even though it seems harmless. The fact of the matter is if we can lower this percentage by 10 percent it would make a colossal difference.

Even though technology has taken us to a place we would have never expected we could be 20 years ago, it can be extremely dangerous. So the next time you go to drive, don't text because you could be saving someone's life and, most importantly, your own.

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