Saturday, September 5, 2015


 I find technology absolutely fascinating. It helps me stay connected in the world. Makes me feel like a part of something.

   Now, even though I love my phone and I don't know how I could live without it, there is a terrible side to technology. Some people believe its okay to use their social media and hide behind a phone to get away with being cruel. Cyber bullying is terrible and anyone can come across it on a daily basis, it's everywhere. Hiding behind a phone to say these awful things that you wouldn't say to someone's face makes you a coward. It shows that you are an awful person that only has the intention to hurt someone else.

   Now the plus side to technology. I think when most people think of technology they think of what probably over half of America would think of, cellphones. Technology isn't just limited to cell phones though. There are so many cool innovative things that we use on a daily basis. For example: refrigerators, electric toothbrush, stove, dishwasher, cell phone, computer, television, alarm clock.  We now have apps on our phone that can tell us where there is an accident, and it can direct us through a detour. At 6:00 my life has already been affected by technology, I consider it to be a bad thing due to the reason I'm using it (alarm clock), but we need it to wake up, and do the normal things that were expected to do.

    I think if I had been born 20 years earlier, then we would all be more interactive. My parents always tell me how I have it so good because now if I needed something, like my car broke down, then I would have a way to contact someone for help. When they were growing up they told their parents where they were going (usually) and then left. They didn't have a cell phone and couldn't contact their parents. If they wanted to hang out with someone, they would have to call their house and ask to talk to them. My parents used to write letters to each other because they didn't have a cell phone where they could text. I think it would help all of us to have lived in a time where we weren't able to access technology like we do today.  I would be more outgoing because the only way I could make friends and meet people was to talk to them. Whenever I tell my mom I like someone, she tells me to just go right up to them and tell them because that's what she did, and I don't think I would be able to do that because I have the technology where I don't have to say it to their face. I think it would bring me closer to my friends well who am I kidding, I don't have friends, but anyway I think it would definitely bring me closer because we would have a face to face conversation where we could make memories instead of "remember when you texted this?"

  There are times when technology has harmed me. Mostly it's between friends. I have tried to talk to someone face to face about a problem I had but they kind of pushed it off and that night they texted me about the issue. I think that again relates back to the cyberbullying thing, not because of being mean, but using your phone to help build up your confidence to say whatever because the person isn't right in front of you. I am also like this though, I hate confrontation. After something over the phone like this happens, its also really hard to face the person again because of what they might have said and not being able to get the messages out of your head.

  I think in a couple of years, even more people will use technology. It can be such a great thing if people use it for the right reasons. Think of all that could happen with technology. Cure for cancer, flying cars, jet packs, you name it. When you consider all the plus sides to technology, its a no brainer, it can save lives. We've come so far as a world through our advancements and if you step back and think about it, its fascinating.

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