Sunday, September 13, 2015

The Everlasting Battle by Brooks Spears

The metaphorical battle between good and evil has been raging on since there has been a concept of morality. This battle has been in a constant power struggle since the beginnings of man. Through various fictional and sometimes even nonfictional works, humans have had great interest in diagnosing scenes as devilish or angelic, cruel or merciful, good or evil. But the question persists: will it continue?
As we look at everyday events, we judge them using our own morality as a compass. But is this right? When we deem something as either good or evil, using our morality as the compass, we are making a fatal error in assuming that our moral judgment is correctly aligned. How could we even know what is correctly aligned, what is morally just? Who then, is this absolute good? Whose moral compass can we use to re-calibrate our own?
The answer is none. We as a society have created rules and social limitations on ourselves and collectively have tried to make a perfect north for our morality, but the fact is, there is no perfect north. When a lion kills a gazelle, is it evil? What about when a virus kills an infant? This is just nature taking its course, an event happening as it is going to happen.
It is only with an advanced consciousness that we are able to decide what actions are acceptable and what actions are unacceptable. It is only with a human consciousness that have decided killing is wrong. Humans are the only animals that CAN murder. A lion doesn't murder a gazelle, it hunts it.
So I believe that there is good and evil, but only within the parameters of the human moral compass. No one is completely evil, no one is completely good. We all have faults, but we also all have good tendencies. For every demon there is an angel.
Evil cannot exist if there is no good because they are both relative. Something is only good compared to evil and something is only evil compared to good. That's why there is a protagonist and an antagonist in every story. The protagonist balances the antagonist out just like Harry Potter counters Voldemort, like the Jedi against the Sith, Batman against the Joker.
As long as there is good, there will be evil. It is up to us decide which is which.

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