Sunday, September 27, 2015

For the Love and *Hate* of Television

Personally, I don't watch any television. I don't have cable, and I don't have Netflix... yes I know what you all are thinking, "Wow she must not have a life." On the contrary though, I actually do a lot more than a regular person does. According to Nielsen, the average American over the age of 2 spends 34 hours watching television a week... that's INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One-fifth of an average American's week consists of watching TV. So what's so interesting that is taking up this much time of our lives, you ask?  I don't really know, it's pretty much a bunch of crap. I honestly don't think I can even think of a TV show that I like. I just don't understand how, like said above, pointless award shows like the Emmy's are aired over the Nobel Peace Prize. Society needs to reevaluate what is important in life and history.  However, I must admit that I do like a good movie. And I also watch inspiring videos. I love to be inspired. It gets me out of a rut and up and trying again. But, I can't think of any TV shows that would do that. It's mostly videos on YouTube or documentaries.

TV and electronics obsession will become the downfall of humanity. Honestly, it seems like nobody even has real face-to-face conversations anymore, or when they try to, it's interrupted by their phones with a text. I think I am guilty with the phone, because I probably spend way to much time than needed to on it, or at least I used to, but it still distracts me. But the more I look around, the less living I see. Spending 1/5th of your life watching a screen doesn't seem like a productive way to live life. And over the past year, I've started to realize that more and more. I want to actually go and live an exciting adventure, and not watch someone else do that on television, making myself jealous of the celebrities on a show. Everyone says, "I wish I was her/him" or, "I wish I could do that," while watching television needs to un-glue their faces from the television and realize that you can just go do that!!

TV destroys people's time and their self-confidence. I think it's also a huge waste money for that matter.

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